2~ Sweetheart

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I forget to breathe for a moment as I take in his entire body.

He's huge, not simply in a height way. He's tall, I'm sure a few inches shorter than Sage, who stands at a solid 6'7. However, he has a presence about him, he demands to be seen. Muscles that no 17 year old should be capable of possessing on display underneath a pale green shirt. His black hair falls just above his eyes, I can't help but appreciate how well sculpted he is, from an artists standpoint of course.

Like I said before, damn.

"As I was saying before being interrupted class," Ms. Miller begins, staring directly at me, "this is our new student, Ashton McClain."

The class mumbles a few hellos while most of the girls, including my two best friends, drool over him. They're like animals at a watering hole and all the girls are thirsty.

If he's a high schooler then what was he doing in the elementary school office, I wonder quietly. But the thought of seeing him reminds me of what an ass he is.

"Mr. McClain, please take this book and find a seat." He moves to take the book and it's almost like a trance is broken.

Ella and Stella both turn around and squeal, drool still showing on their lips. I did mention they're boy crazed.

"Don't even bother." I say harsher than necessary.

"What do you mean?" Ella asks, still in a daze.

"He's an ass, that's what I mean." That seems to get their full attention. Stella looks at me with wide eyes.

"You mean you've talked to him?" She questions in disbelief.

"No, I bumped into him this morning and he was extremely rude."

They gasp loudly.

"And you didn't tell us." Ella states, somewhat in shock.

"It literally happened like five minutes ago." I explain, annoyed by how dramatic they're being. He's just a guy.

"Ladies, I suggest the three of you quiet down before you receive detention. Especially you, Miss  Rhodes."

I glare at my teacher. She holds a special hatred for me in her cold, empty heart. I don't plan on being late on most mornings, it just happens. She would know this if she had any children of her own to take care of but she's an unmarried hag with seven cats.

I finish glaring at her to find Mr. Gray Eyes, I mean Ashton, walking towards the only empty seat in the class. The same seat that just so happens to be behind Stella and right beside me. I cry mentally as he plops down beside me.

I know Mondays suck but today that's really an understatement.

For a moment I think Ella and Stella forget how to breathe, because they both just stare at him. Stella, being the talkative person she is, quickly recovers.

"Hi, I'm Stella." She offers with a pretty smile, for once not appearing terrifying.

"And I'm Ella." My blonde friend adds with a flip of her hair, hitting my face in the process.

He offers them an easy grin before Stella adds, "And she's Scarlett." Sliding me a sly glance.

I roll my eyes as his attention turns to me, the grin replaced with a smug smirk. "I believe we've met before, isn't that right, Sweetheart?"

I grip my pencil tightly, the smirk now gone from Stella's face. If anyone knows my hatred of pet names it's them. I turn to him with raging anger, "Listen here asshole, call me Sweetheart one more time and we're gonna have a problem."

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