59~ No Idea

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"My Little Letty, If only your mother could see us now."

Carmen evaluates me in the mirror as she pulls my hair back with a clip. I laugh, remembering the day she let me wear her makeup. I thought mom was going to kill her.

"Let's just hope for better results this time around." I tease, silently hoping I don't end up looking like a clown.

Ashton might draw the line at taking Bozo to prom.

She pops my cheek before getting to work, taking breaks in between to fix Stella's hair and help Ella into her dress. As she works I can't help but be amazed by her focus, no flaw goes uncorrected.

She chats with me to pass time, rambling about her wedding. It won't be until after she graduates from college, that way her focus can be on finishing her bachelors degree. They plan on staying in the West Side, working with the schools to mentor kids. Her main goal is to become a criminal defense lawyer, to protect those who have been wrongly accused.

It's funny to hear plans for a future with the guy she used to hate. Drew used to knock on her door everyday, even going as far as to use Gabe as an excuse to see her. Eventually, Carmen began to let him inside and then she started inviting him over.

It's crazy what I missed in two years.

By the time she finishes my butt is numb, I didn't think it was possible to sit still for this long. The results are worth it though as I stare at my reflection. Carmen kept everything natural and dewy, golden eyeshadow and a dark lip.

After I change into my dress she calls Saffron in to evaluate me, claiming no one has a better eye than her. No one has a more judgmental eye than my sister. I don't say anything as she walks around me, taking her time to inspect every inch.

Finally, Saffron stops in front of me, a grin on her face. "I think you look like a princess."

A genuine smile breaks out on my face as I glance back in the mirror, I guess I sorta do. "You really think so, Squirt?"

She nods her head, giving me a big hug. "Of course, plus your boobs look good."

And with that she flees from the room, undoubtedly going to find Ronnie. I just stand there at a complete loss for words. She's seven, she shouldn't even care about my boobs.

Manny laughs, opening the door for me. "She's more of a handful than you were and that's saying something."

I roll my eyes, trying not to trip on my dress as I walk down the stairs. "I wasn't that bad of a kid."

She gives me a look. "Drew almost got banned from bringing Gabe to my house because you wouldn't stop abusing him."

"He was annoying and he still is." I protest remembering the time he tried to steal my jump rope and in return I tied him up. That's the worst thing I've ever done to him and that's not even that bad.

"I heard that!" Gabe yells from the floor below.

What person can hear a conversation when they're on a completely different floor? I manage to make my way down the second flight of stairs without tripping. Halfway down, I'm able to hear voices.

"Where exactly are you two going for dinner?" Sage asks in a serious tone.

"Dude, the same place you're going." Ashton replies.

What in the world is going on?

"What time will you be bringing her home?" Emmy asks, his voice sounding a lot more terrifying than I thought possible.

"What a bunch of assholes." Carmen mutters and I'm about to agree before she continues. "They were supposed to wait for me."

After her comment, I rush down the stairs in a complete panic. Why can't they ever just sit down and shut up? Surprised with my running I almost make it safely to the first floor when my foot catches on a golf ball on the stairs.

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