33~ Coffee

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The ringing of my phone pulls me from my sleep.

Grumpiness sets in when I notice it's dark outside. "Hello." I grumble, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Do you want to go get breakfast with me?" A voice asks, way too cheery for this hour. Even though I don't know exactly what hour it is, it's still too early. Especially to be be talking to a stranger.

"Who is this?" My finger hovers over the end call button as I settle back under my covers.

There's a snort, "Sweetheart, I'm hurt you even have to ask."

A smile forms on my face, quickly falling. I need sleep, I was up till 12.

"Ashton, why would I go to breakfast when my bed is so much warmer." I whine, slapping the pillow next to me for effect, not that he could see.

"Because I'm awesome." He states matter of factly. It's nice to know arrogance doesn't have a snooze button.

I fight back another yawn, "Well, your awesomeness, it's sleep time." I lean back against my pillows, shutting my eyes.

"Um, Scar, it's six am." He informs me like it means something.

"That's still too early."

"We have school today."

At first I hum in acknowledgement hoping that would shut him up but then his words register in my sleep clogged mind.

Holy shit! Winter break is over? That can't be right.

I check the date on my phone, crap. "Hold on, Ash." I say quickly before calling Sage.

"Wake up, school's today!" I yell at him while fumbling out of bed.

I start listing off things to be done but Sage interrupts me. "I've already showered and woken the twins up. Sterling's getting Saffron."

I take a moment to calculate the time. We should be right on schedule, maybe even a little bit ahead.

"You still there, Scar?" My brother asks concerned.

I shake my head before realizing he can't see me. "Yeah, I'll see you in a few."

I throw my phone on the bed, a faint hello catching my attention.


I pick the phone back up, "Yeah?"

"So, breakfast?" Right, I forgot about that.

"What about Ronnie?" I ask, pulling my wild mane of hair back to fishtail.

"I can drop her off when I get you." Damn, I actually thought I could stump him.

"Where are we going?" I demand, not wanting to sound like I'm agreeing but food is food.

"It's a surprise, pick you up in 20."

I try to protest but he's already hung up, I hate surprises.


25 minutes later I'm sitting in Ashton's truck in red chucks, ripped jeans and a long sleeved cropped Eggos t-shirt. I was feeling comfy since I had to make lunches.

And by making lunches, I mean putting leftover pizza into bags with bottles of soda and cosmic brownies. Not every lunch can be a winner. If anything, it insured they ate a healthy breakfast.


He stops in front of Jays Dinner, the ancient neon sign flashing in the window. This is Avery's favorite place to get coffee from before school, not that he would know that.

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