10~ The Breakup

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The next week passes in a blur.

The team won the semi finals round and we advanced to finals. We play our rivals, the Steinborn Steelers, this Friday. Then, win or lose, we get a week of freedom for Thanksgiving break.

I hope we win or else it will be a very unpleasant break in my house.

I sit in history, mindlessly copying my notes when something hits my head.

I shake it off as an annoying bug and go back to writing. A few moments later I get hit again. And again. After shaking my head angrily a crumpled piece of paper falls out of my hair.

Without having to question it, I turn to scowl at Ashton three rows behind me, this is the only shared class we don't sit next to each other in. I didn't ask him about the party again or the one that was held last Friday. He went to the last one for a solid five minutes before leaving, even though he begged me to come again.

What? I mouth to him.

Hi. He winks before turning back to his notes.

The teacher moves on before I can finish copying the notes. Great. After class Ashton meets me in the hall to walk to the gym for practice. To say I'm annoyed at his little communication stunt would be an understatement. I punch him in the stomach as hello.

He grunts, "What the hell was that for?"

I give him my nicest smile, "That was for making me miss the notes."

He recovers and throws his arm around my shoulder, a now standard position for us to be in. I've learned to deal with it without completely cringing each time. I'm not a physical touch person.

"But I missed you." He whines, pulling me closer to him.

I huff in annoyance, deciding I'm no longer angry after smelling him. "We have five classes together, Ashton. You couldn't go 45 minutes without talking to me?"

He gives me a very serious look, "No, I could not."

I chuckle, leaving him to go get changed for cheer. What a drama queen.


Heading out to the field, I hear hushed voices from the stairwell. Being the curious person I am, I choose to investigate. The voices sound familiar, a guy and a girl, arguing over something.

"You have to stay with me, please. Just until you win state." The girl begs, I swear she sounds familiar.

"No, Avery, I don't want to be in a relationship with you."

It's James and Avery. Holy shit! James and Avery are fighting.

My cousin is currently begging her boyfriend to stay with her. I step closer to hear better.

"Why, so you can go be with that half bred bitch?" She snaps.

It takes me a moment to realize she's talking about Stella. Rarely people comment about the fact she's biracial, considering the features are on the subtle side. I flex my fist, considering the consequences of just butting into the conversation to punch her.

It would probably lead to an awkward conversation about eavesdropping. Thankfully James beats me to it with a response.

"Stella is an amazing person, Avery. I'm ending this because you aren't. You treat everyone like trash, including your own family."

She doesn't say anything so he continues, clearly he's getting some things off his chest. After dating Avery for over three years I can imagine there's a lot.

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