12~ Adrenaline Rush

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Today is the day.

We'll either become state champions or be the biggest losers ever. Not really, but it's still a big deal. All day school is buzzing with excitement. No matter where I go, I hear about the game. In the bathroom. In Gifted. At my locker.


This is more than just a game. It's a cross town rivalry coming face to face. The state championship being the ultimate prize.

I put my uniform on with extra care, making sure I looked my best. There would literally be hundreds of eyes on me and that did a toll on my nerves.

We're released from class after 6th period, no one in the mood for learning. Between the game and Thanksgiving break there's no brain cells to spare for class. I walk out to the courtyard, waiting for my friends perched on top of a metal table.

Sage joins me minutes later, his usual enthusiasm nowhere to be found.

"What's wrong?" I ask, nudging his shoulder as he takes a seat next to me.

He stays quiet for a moment, deep in thought if the little crease in his forehead is any indication. "I was just thinking about mom and dad." He whispers.

My heart breaks. In the past two years, he's been the one to talk about everything the least. He just puts on a smile and laughs it off. Today is special though.

Sage and dad always talked about him playing for the state championship, it was a dream of theirs. Seconded only by Sage following dad's footsteps and getting drafted to the MLB.

I rest my head on his shoulder, "Me too." And I was.

Mom and Dad first met on their own football field, after they won State. Dad was a wide receiver and Mom was a cheerleader. It was one of the first stories they ever told us as kids. It's been a driving thought the past couple of weeks, perhaps we would be closer to them if we won.

Silence follows as we continue to think about them. Our parents. The most important people in our lives and they aren't here.

It sucks.

Sage licks his lips, a sign that he's about to cry. "Do you think they're going to be watching us?"

The question takes me off guard. I try to find my voice but it's missing.

"Yeah." I croak out. "Yes, they are."

I can imagine them yelling at the referees. Mom trying her best not to say anything negative about the other team and failing. Dad hooting and hollering about how good his kids look out there.

They would be proud.

"What are we talking about?" Ashton asks, joining our table with Stella, James, and Ella.

Sage blinks furiously to hide his tears. I shrug, "Nothing really, just nerves."

Ashton doesn't detect the lie and I feel bad. Lying has become easier and easier throughout the years but it feels wrong. He grips Sage's shoulder, "Don't worry man, we've got this in the bag."

Ella catches my eye, knowing what we we're really talking about. I nod slightly to her, we're ok.

Maybe if we say that enough it'll come true.


The game starts in 30 minutes.

After we were officially let out of school I went home and packed Saffron's bag for the night, ensuring she had every possible thing she could need. She has her inhaler. Her pillow. Her special blanky. Her stuffed baseball that she never sleeps without. Pajamas. Clothes for tomorrow. Her toothbrush.

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