Chapter Nine

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Felix leaned against the wooden exterior of the inn, his eyes on the stableboys as they dutifully gathered their horses out of the pens to saddle them while his thoughts turned over Noah's offer to Kaya last night. He was in two minds as to whether it was a smart thing to do, but he sympathised with Noah; he knew how desperately he hoped Kaya was the girl he wanted her to be.

That, however, didn't mean she was who he expected her to be. Kaya was rough around the edges, defensive, and with a constant shadow at her back that had her wary of anyone who brushed up against her, and that was only what Felix saw from the surface. Who knew how deeply those traits ran, and what had happened to create those traits in her.

It was why Felix had interjected last night, but also because he had seen how surprised Kaya had been by the offer; she had been put so suddenly on the spot, Felix almost sympathised with her. Afterward, Felix, Addius and Noah had discussed the offer and of course, Addius hadn't been pleased. Travelling with a stranger was one thing, but inviting them home was a different matter entirely.

They had, however, agreed to let Noah offer a second time once they reached the crossroads just outside of town. If Kaya declined, Noah would either tell her the truth or let her take the path which would continue east, while they travelled further south into the House of Wind. It was, in the end, his decision on how far he was willing to take this.

Addius and Noah appeared around the corner then – but not Kaya. Felix's brow lifted in surprise just as Noah's did, as if they had both been expecting Kaya to be with the other.

A startled sound came from the stables, and Felix turned toward it just as one of the stableboys rushed out to speak with the other who was tending to Felix's horse. 'One of the horses is gone!'

Instinctively, Felix swept his eyes over his own horse, Addius', Noah's and even the mare Silverstreak.

'Which one?' the other stableboy asked, before hurrying back into the stables to check for himself.

Felix's mind flashed back to Wayside, when the news of the two deaths had been announced right as they were leaving. Felix headed toward Noah and Addius, saying, 'Has anyone seen Kaya this morning?'

Neither answered, which was an answer itself. Felix marched straight past them and made his way back into the inn, then down the corridor to where Kaya's room had been a few doors over from Felix's own. He could see that the room was open, and could hear someone rummaging around inside, but as he reached the threshold he found only a housekeeper changing over the bedsheets.

'Where has the occupant of this room gone?' Felix asked, startling the housekeeper who had been engrossed in her own thoughts.

'The young lady? I believe she left this morning. The key was returned just before dawn,' the woman said, bewildered. 'Oh! I did find this on the bed though,' she added, reaching into the pocket of her skirt to retrieve a folded piece of parchment.

Felix wordlessly took it, his body turning back out of the room as understanding crept over him. He unfolded the parchment, realising that one side had been covered in a sketch of the town's skyline. It was a view Felix recognised, if only because he had been looking at it yesterday afternoon on the inn's rooftop, Kaya scowling beside him.

Then Felix turned over the parchment, and found only a brief message written there.

Maybe next time.

- Kaya


Kaya had left, alone, at dawn.

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