Chapter 21

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"These exams are going to be my death," I groan with my head in my hands. Xavier is sitting opposite of me with a History of Magic textbook at his elbow and a stack of notes in his hands. He eyes me and sighs with a nod. We are sitting in the library, the place where we have spent 90 percent of our time the past few weeks. The weather keeps getting warmer and the sun shines a lot, but instead of spending our time outdoors, we are in the library preparing for the exams.

"You're not a Hogwarts student, you don't need to make them. It was your own choice," Flora replies with her head in her Care of Magical Creatures book.

"Just because we aren't Hogwarts students, doesn't mean we're not going to take the exams," Xavier answers, closing the book and ordering his notes.

"Xav is right. I have been going to all the classes the past year, I want to take the exam too," I add, lifting my head and turning back to my Alchemy notes. Flora shakes her head, "You don't have the right to complain then."

"You're a bunch of nerds," Henry says as he returns for books for his Muggle Studies essay. He places the books on the table and sits down on his chair. Xavier sticks out his tongue in Henry's direction without looking up from the book he is reading.

"We just want to take the exams," I say, "That-"

"Because you are nerds. You and Kordon, both," the brown-haired boy shoots back, "Accept it, Dubos."

I sit up straight in my chair, stretch my arms and neck, before continuing my mission to finish my Alchemy notes. Most of the table is occupied by Xavier and me. We have our notes scattered on the table with the right textbooks close. Flora and Henry both have their own pile of books for their final essays for the classes they are taking.

"I brought snacks!"

Aline's voice sounds from behind us and we all look up. The short witch smiles and holds up a basket with food. From the basket, Aline produces a bottle of Bubble Juice, which she hands to me, a bottle of pumpkin juice, and a bottle of apple juice, both of which are placed in the middle of the table. Henry conjures glasses and starts pouring drinks. Aline produces a plate of cookies which is placed onto a dangerously tilting pile of textbooks.

"Hwow dwid you gwet twis?" Flora tries to say with food in her mouth. I send her a look and Flora quickly continues chewing.

"Elena told me where the kitchens are located and asked the house-elves for some food," Aline says, sipping her apple juice, "They are such nice and thoughtful creatures."

"We really appreciate it," Henry says and leans over to place a kiss on Aline's cheek. Aline hadn't joined us at the library in the first place, but Flora had sent her a note asking for help on her Divination essay. She has been documenting our dreams the past week and if I have to believe her – or the textbooks she is consulting – I will have to look out for flying saucers.

Aline stands up to grab the first book. I nudge Xavier with my foot and ask: "Xav, what is our first exam?"

"Defence Against the Dark Arts," the boy answers. I close my Alchemy book and grab Henry's DADA book from the pile. I fish my notes out of the stacks of parchment and start revising them. Professor Moody still gives me the creeps but that doesn't mean I don't want to ace the exam.

Three days later, Xavier and I are standing in front of the doors of the Great Hall, waiting until they open for our first exam. While Xavier is rereading his notes one last time, muttering to himself as he browses the parchment, I look around the corridor. Most students are doing the same as Xavier, nervously revising their notes one last time before the exam.

"Elena? What are you doing here?"

The voice makes me turn around to see Lee entering the corridor. Behind him are Fred and George. My boyfriend smiles at me when he sees me.

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