Chapter 112: The wedding

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For the ultimate wedding vibes, listen to Help Falling In Love by Kina Grannis

One year later

I thought Fleur and Bill's wedding was a lot of work, but back then, I was merely Fleur's right hand who did a few tasks with Molly. This time around, I am the bride and everything has to go past me and Fred. Everything needs our approval: from the colors of the flowers to the seating charts, to what food will be served at the reception.

"I should have placed that Full Body-Bind Curse on Mum when I had the chance," Fred mutters when we lay in bed three days before the wedding and we hear a knock on the door. I giggle while Fred presses his face in the crook of my neck and lets out a groan.

The person on the other side of the door wants to open the door but is stopped by the locks. Realizing the door isn't going to open, they begin to rattle at the doorknob. I hear them say something and knock again.

"I do am happy I locked the door," Fred adds and I laugh again. With the arm he has placed around my waist, Fred pulls me closer and begins to press kisses on my side of my neck. My eyes flutter closed, I let out a moan when he begins to nibble at a sensible spot and entwine my fingers in his red hair.

Another knock on the door helps us out of the trance and I hear Fred mutter some curse words under his breath. He presses a kiss on my nose and throws the blanket back to jump out of bed. "Don't move, I will take care of that."

I giggle and open eyes to watch him walk to the door. After removing the five locks he placed on them (to get some more "privacy"), he opens the door a tiny bit. I can hear Molly from the bed: "Are you two awake yet, there are so many things we have to do today!"

Fred rolls his eyes and answers: "Mum, as we said before, we couldn't care less who sits next to who. The only demand Elena has is that there are four chairs empty on the front row for Flora, her uncle, and her parents – you can determine the rest of the seating. If you would excuse us, we are going to lay in bed for a while. You will see appear soon."

With those words, Fred closes the door again. I hear Molly complain and knock on the door once again. After relocking the five locks, Fred mutters something to his mother and Molly stops knocking. Fred turns back to me – still lying in bed – and a smirk forms on his face.

Raising my eyebrow, I ask him: "What did you say to her?"

"Nothing to worry about, love! Now, where were we?"

When I am finally dressed and walking downstairs, I pass George and Angelina sitting on the stairs leading up to Bill's old room. They are kissing and from behind me, I hear Fred remark: "Oh, Godric, are you two serious? Again?!"

A laugh escapes me when I see George and Angelina part quickly. George sends his brother a stern look and Fred shrugs: "You made those remarks to us all the time, now I get to make them to you."

I shake my head, send Angelina and George a smile, and follow my journey downstairs. When I enter the kitchen of the Burrow, I smell the pancakes Molly prepared and with a big smile, I sit down next to Hermione. The girl looks up from her newspaper and smiles at me. I send Harry, Ron, and Ginny a nod while I pour myself a cup of tea.

"Good morning, Elena," Molly smiles while she places two pancakes on the plate before me, "Fleur left to pick up the dresses moments ago. I thought you wanted to come as well, but Fred said you were too busy giving me grandchildren."

Both Harry and Ron spit out the tea they just took a sip of and I look at Molly with wide eyes. What?!

For a moment, I am speechless. Hermione and Ginny giggle while sending each other looks while Ron and Harry cough loudly. Fred walks into the kitchen and the four people sitting at the table begin laughing again. Molly doesn't seem bothered and with open mouth, I look at Fred who sits down as if there is nothing wrong.

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