Chapter 113: 19 years later

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"Mooom, Flora stole my favorite sweater - you know, the one I got from grandma last year with Christmas, the one with the little dragons," Alice runs into the kitchen where Fred and I are sitting at the kitchen table. Fred snickers and I turn my head to smile at my daughter. "Did you ask her to return it?"

"Yes," Alice nods.

"No, she didn't! Whatever she said, I deny!" I hear Flora scream from upstairs. With a sigh, I stand up and hear upstairs with Alice closely on my trail. When I enter Flora and Alice their room, I notice the mess the two girls made. Flora is packing her trunk on her bed, while the whole room is filled with clothes and other things the girls need to bring back to Hogwarts.

"Aren't you a bit too old to argue about clothes and belongings?" I ask and grab some of the clothes of the bed to create a place to sit. Carefully, I begin to fold the different types of clothes while I hear Alice and Flora both mutter something. I look up and raise my eyebrows.

"Maybe," Alice admits a bit reluctantly. Flora sighs and turns around to face me. "Maybe, indeed."

"Well then, Flora, you return Alice her sweater - and both of you make sure this room is clean before we leave," I look at the twins and they both nod. Before I can leave the room, Flora says excited: "We are going to try out for Beaters this year!"

Alice nods fiercely and adds: "Like dad and uncle George!"

"Moore told us we couldn't because we are girls, but we practiced all summer with everyone!" Flora lifts up her chin proudly and Alice agrees: "We are going to blow him off his feet, that little brat thinking he can tell us what to do."

I laugh and remark: "I am sure you both will be a good asset for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. Did you pack your brooms?"

The two red-haired girls nod in union and I gesture around the room. "Now, continue to pack your trunks - and no more fighting. I will check by your brother to make sure he is alright."

I leave the room and head upstairs. When I arrive at the attic, I knock softly on the door. Different sounds of someone knocking something over and cursing are heard before the door opens. A black-haired boy looks up and when he sees me, he opens the door further and heads back into the room.

"Are you almost done?" I ask and Christian nods while he picks up the books from his desk.

In contrast to the room of the girls, Christian's room is very clean. I spot Delia - the tabby cat Fred gave Christian for his 12th birthday - in the windowsill, enjoying the autumn sun and sit down on the chair behind the desk. Christian continues to pack his trunk and I notice the yellow Head Boy badge on the desk.

"Do you think you are ready for your job as Head Boy?"

"Teddy already told me which students are the most annoying - and I know all the secret passages and ways around Hogwarts, thanks to Dad," Christian smiles at me, "So I think I will manage. Lacie - a Gryffindor - is Head Girl and I can get along with her pretty good, we shared duties last year."

"I'm proud of you," I tell him and hand my son his badge. Looking at the clock on the wall, I stand up. "We will leave in an hour, if you need help to get everything downstairs, just yell for your dad."

A mischievous smile appears on Christian's face and he shrugs: "I also can apparate downstairs if I need Dad."

"No, you can't. We agreed not to apparate in this house. Alice and Flora are very jealous of you, so you don't," I shake my head and Christian rolls his eyes. With those words, I head downstairs again.

When I enter the kitchen again. Fred is still sitting at the kitchen table. He looks up from his newspaper and I sit down opposite him. I grab the cup of tea I was drinking and am about to complain about it turning cold, when my fingers touch the warm cup. My eyes meet Fred and he smiles at me: "I know how annoyed you always are when you forget to keep your tea warm."

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