Chapter 75

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Gasps enough through the hall as guests try to get a glimpse of the red-haired man who spoke out. Fred is standing in the open doorway, wearing one of his best dragon-skin suits with a sharp white dress shirt, and his hands on his hips. A small, proud smile creeps onto his face as he looks around the hall.

A relieved breath escapes me as I see my boyfriend standing there. Thank Flamel.

Cassius still has my hands in his iron grip and snaps his head to look at Fred with narrowed eyes. A vein in his neck is throbbing as his eyes shift to his parents. Mr and Mrs Warrington have turned in their seats and are staring at Fred as if he is from outer space. Cassius turns to look at me before turning to Fred as his angry expression turns into a smirk.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Weasley," he sneers, "Can't you see your girlfriend wants to be my wife? Let's be honest, nobody will blame her. Who would want to be with a blood traitor like you?"

Mrs Warrington jumps out of her seat. Red spots appear on her neck as she grips her wand. She opens her mouth to yell at Fred but falters when another man appears beside him.

Not waiting for his father to say something, Fred stands walking down the aisle. He smiles at the guests and winks at Hestia and Ann, the bridesmaids who are staring at him with wide eyes. A few of the guests have stood up from their seats but after one glance at Arthur, they sit back down. 

In the doorway, besides Arthur, have appeared two other red-haired men, Bill and George. Behind them are standing several other men, I suspect them to be Ministry employees, but I can't see them clearly.

"Our apologies for interrupting your wedding," Arthur says. Mr Warrington has stood up as well and has placed a hand on his wife's back. Arthur turns to Mrs Warrington and says: "Priscilla Warrington, you are under arrest for the use of the Imperius curse on Elena Dubos."

A few puzzle pieces fall into their places as I realise that has been what has been causing me to lose time and memories of what happened. I look between Cassius, Mrs Warrington, and Arthur who is heading in our direction. Mrs Warrington looks at her husband with a concerned expression and I can see the panic in her eyes when she turns to look at me and Cassius still at the altar.

As Arthur and two Ministry officials start walking down the aisle, following Fred, I see Bill and two other men block the other entrances of the hall. A few guests were attempting to make an escape but freeze them they spot the men. George brushes past his father and rushes after Fred.

Fred has arrived at the altar where Cassius is still holding my hands in his iron grip. Cassius tries to pull me behind him but Fred is quicker and yanks my hands out of Cassius's grip. I struggle to keep myself standing on the high heels I'm wearing as I'm pulled into Fred's chest.

Warrington wants to step towards us, but is pulled back by George who places his hands on Warrington's shoulders while remarking: "Why don't you keep your hands by yourself? Did your father not teach you to treat a woman with respect?"

With one quick movement, Fred has removed the veil and headband from my head. Tears are welling up in my eyes as Fred softly cups my face in his hands. His eyes are glassy as he whispers: "I imagined the first time doing that a little different."

I can't help the laugh that bubbles up and Fred smiles before pressing his lips on mine. I place my hands on Fred's wrists as I kiss him back.

Around us, several people gasp and I hear Cassius protesting. George sighs dramatically and says bored: "If the two lovebirds can hurry a little."

"You're just jealous, mate," Fred responds when our lips part and I hear George snicker. Fred pulls me into a hug and with my face pressed in my boyfriend's suit, I break down. Crying, I pull Fred as close as possible. I feel Fred's hand up and down my back as he mutters reassuring words in my hair. "I'm here, Elena. You're safe, love, I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you."

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