Chapter 22

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The same evening – an hour since I have met Fred's mother, Molly, and his oldest brother, Bill – is the final task of the tournament. I join my friends at the Ravenclaw table, despite Fred's protests.

"Your boyfriend doesn't look very happy," Henry remarks. I look over my shoulder to the Gryffindor table where Fred is staring at me. I smile at him and he waves.

"He is overreacting. I'm sitting with him during the third task."

Aline takes a bite from her food and after swallowing says: "I heard from Rosalia that Fleur doesn't want to tell her anything about the first task."

"Fleur already knows what she has to do tonight?" Flora asks, looking up from her food. At Aline's nod, Flora wonders out loud: "It's going to be more difficult than the first two tasks, that is for sure. I wonder what they have in store for the champions."

The frown on Flora's forehead disappears when she turns to me and asks innocently: "How was meeting his mother?"

All my friends turn to look at me. I narrow my eyes at Flora, not appreciating what she is doing. I learned Flora knew about George's plan and even encouraged him. They are a dangerous couple I will have to watch out for. If I don't, they might take over the world together.

I explain to the rest what happened. Xavier and Henry start laughing.

Aline sips her drink and asks: "Was she nice?"

When Henry is done laughing, he recalls: "I remember the first time Aline met my mother."

Aline's cheeks begin to redden.

"That was priceless. The reaction of my mother when I told her I had a girlfriend."

We all remember that fall, four years ago. Henry's parents were convinced their son was interested in men.

The brown-haired boy continues to snicker. "And the first question she asked Aline-"

He begins laughs harder. 

"-was how much he paid me to play his girlfriend," Aline continues softly and we all begin to laugh. "She even wanted to pay me more to let me tell the truth."

Flora almost chokes on the sip she just took and we laugh as she grabs an issue to clear her nose from juice that ended up there. I tell Henry that Molly hadn't asked me those types of questions. 

After dinner is finished, we meet up with the Gryffindors and all walk to the Quidditch pitch. When we arrive, I hear Angelina, Alicia, George and Fred letting out a little scream. Looking at the Quidditch pitch, I see why they react like that – the whole pitch is covered in plants who form different paths, like a kind of maze.

We take a seat a few rows above where Molly and Bill are sitting. Bill smiles at me when we climb up and pass them. George and Lee sit in the seats on the row above us. Flora takes the seat on Fred's other side with Xavier beside her. Henry and Aline sit down next to me. As soon as he has sat down, Henry turns around to George and Lee.

"I want to place a bet again. Would that be possible?" 

"For you always Fawley, you are our best customer, how much?" Lee answers and Henry thinks for a moment: "Six Galleons on Cedric."

The two boys seem surprised by the change of champion. Lee notes it down as George asks: "Not Potter? You are disappointing me, Fawley. 

Henry shakes his head and hands George six golden coins: "Potter was lucky the first two tasks, but I think Cedric has more experience with magic to win this."

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