Chapter 10

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"Kitty. Go eat with Ashley and David." Alex said. "Don't go to Jason, Jake and Aspen." he said. I didn't say anything. I just got up and came out of the office.
I hope it doesn't affect my friendship with them.

I sighed and went to the canteen. I spotted Ashley and David sitting with Jake and Aspen. I took a burger and fries and went to library. I sat there eating. After I was done I searched out for a book. Our library was big which was my good. I took 'Twilight' and started reading it.

After 10 minutes the bell rang so I kept the book back and left the library. I went to my locker and opened it. There was a paper kept in it.

I left early today. Sit with Jake in the Math class. I already told him about keeping Evan away from you. I will be changing your number and keeping your phone in your room. I won't be coming back till midnight.

All the best for the test after school. You will get them all right, I guarantee you.

- Jason.

I smiled at the little note and kept it back in the locker. I took out my books and kept it in my bag. I locked my locker and turned to see Evan standing there. "Jason left. Alex is not with you in Math class. Right?" he asked and then looked down at me. "I will be sitting with you." he said smirking.

Why the hell am I short?

I didn't say anything and started walking. "You know you should be scared right now." he said coming besides me. "By the way I really missed you." he said. I increased my speed and reached the class.

"Hey Kathy." Jake said waving his hand. "Come here." he called out. I quickly glanced at Evan and ran towards Jake. "Who is he?" Jake asked looking at Evan. He was glaring at us. "Evan." I sighed. "Did he trouble you? Do you want me to beat the shit out of him?" Jake asked. "No. It's okay." I said with a small smile.

"What happened to Jason?" He asked. "Do you know why he is so pissed off? And even Alex." he continued. "Are they?" I asked shocked. "I don't know. I mean they were fine before meeting in Mr. Williams office. When they talked about the change in Jason he got up and left and then Alex told me to leave when Mr. Williams said that he thinks Jason likes me and he is changing and settling." I said.

"I knew this would happen." Jake said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I will tell you afterwards." he said as Mr. James entered the class. He solved some sums on the board and he was randomly calling people in front to solve the sums at times. "Miss Green solve this sum." he called out. Luckily Jason had completed the chapter with me yesterday so I got up and went to the board.

It was an easy sum. I quickly solved it and looked at Mr. William to confirm if it was correct. "It's correct. Good. You are improving." he said with a smile. "Thanks." I said and went back to my place. I could feel Evan looking at me. He knew I was weak in math. He must be surprised.

"It was a quite hard sum." Jake said as I sat down. "No it was easy." I said. "Help me. I am getting it wrong." he said. I looked at his sum and he had made a sign mistake. I told him and he face palmed. "I am so dumb." he said. "Come on. It was just a sign mistake and it is quite common." I said.

Then the whole lecture went smoothly.  It was my Art class now with Ashley.

"You okay?" She asked looking at me. I nodded. "Don't forget about the math test. I am going to win." she said. "In your dreams." I said mockingly. "We'll see. You cannot surely complete the entire chapter in one day." she said. "You will see. I will prove you wrong." I said sticking my tongue out. "So mature." she said sarcastically. I giggled.

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