Ohh Fuck!

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No One's Pov:

" Okay Daya! how you feeling, Dear?" Anne entered the room, smiling happily, walking up to Daya with a thermometer in her hand.

" i feel perfectly fine, i guess stripping down was a good idea..." Daya answered, chuckling and let Anne put the thermometer in her mouth.

Anne chuckled with her, " well i know what I'm doing, dear." she told Daya, amused, pulling the thermometer out of her mouth, hearing it beep and looked at it, " Looks like you only had a quick fever, its gone now."

" Yes!" Daya cheered, before turning to Zac and slapped his arms repeatedly, excited, " Baby! ask her! ask her!"

Zac rolled his eyes and laughed at her, " Yes Daya, ill ask her, now stop slapping my arm." he said, getting there to stop, amused at her excited face, before turning to an amused Anne, " Anne is it possible for Daya and i to go home? i can pay to get nurses to come by daily if needed, just name a price but she's not comfortable here." he gestured to Daya who had a hopeful look on her face.

Anne looked at the two, " Ill have to ask my boss, and he will most likely want to talk to you." she replied smiling, " but i understand, i work in a hospital and myself being a patient in one makes me a bit off as well." she nodded to them, " Daya you can change if you like, your fine to now." she smiled warmly, before leaving the room to do what she said she was going to do.

" well I'm comfortable but i probably should." Daya shrugged and got off the bed, grabbing a new pair of pyjama shorts, before grabbing out one of Zac's shirts, slipping it on, it being to large for her, " I have energy, do you think we would get in trouble if we went for a walk?" she asked, everyone, grinning, tucking a but of the shirt in, so it showed that she was wearing shorts.

" Daya... did we even listen on set?" Zac asked , her, getting up off the bed, wincing a bit, though he wasn't in as much pain as he was before and walked to her, " Lets go!" he told her, mischievously and grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the room, looking out for nurses, the others all sighed and followed them to make sure they didn't hurt themselves.

" So where are we even going?" Daya asked, as walked to another section on their ward, " Aww!" she squealed and ran up to a window, showing all the babies, in their clear cots, sleeping or fusing around a bit, " i guess where in the maternity section." she cooed, looking at all the babies, Zac chuckled at her and let her be, seeing as she was happy.

" so are you two new parents, or a curious couple who wants a baby?" a man asked from beside Zac, coming us and stood next to him.

Zac went wide eyed and shook his head, " My Girlfriend and i where just walking around and she saw the babies, she looks happy just cooing at them so I'm just letting her." he explained to the man, the others with him looked amused, chuckling quietly to themselves.

" well you two, look like how my wife and i did, when we had our first born." The man, Chuckled, " looks like your girlfriend is a hit with babies." he pointed to Daya, who was making a baby giggle at her, though the glass they where standing at.

" Ohh your adorable..." Daya cooed at the baby, fully knowing they couldn't hear her bit didn't care, she looked at the name and smiled, " well little Katy, who ever your parents are, they must be very excited to have you in this world with them." she said to the baby, softly, placing a hand on the glass, lovingly cooing at the baby.

" we are excited." the man by Zac chuckled at her.

Daya gasped and quickly moved away form the glass, " Sorry! ill leave you little girl alone." she rushed out, smiling shyly.

The man shook his head, amused, " No its fine, my wife and i aren't the type to go all crazy if a couple thinks our baby is cute and makes her laugh, we fine it cute actually, especially when their like you two, you act like how my wife and i did when we had our first kid."

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