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Okay so obviously Syrra won, partly because some of you guys went nuts and started spamming the comments with her name. I'm not even kidding, the last chapter has over 100 comments even though I average about 30 normally. BTW I get a notification every time you guys send a comment so I got in trouble because my phone kept going off in class so thank you for that.......jk I still love you guys and your comments XD. I hope you enjoy!!!!!


I let my gaze wander as I walk through the halls of the dragon castle. It is truly quite impressive. Glossy black marble with veins of shimmering gold; the volcanoes cast a red glow through the windows and give it a warm, fiery feel.

The corridor gradually widens and opens up into a large circular room with a deep pit in the center. It is empty aside from a dark figure sitting at the edge of the hole. The room feels like it's pulsing and I instantly realize who it is.

"Queen Syrra, I thought you left with my mother," he says.

"That's not something I expected to be called while I was here," I remark.

He shrugs. "You deserve that title."

I smile. "Thank you. Well your mother doesn't need help to simply bring the dragons back here so she said I was welcome to stay while she was away. Besides, I like it here, no one questions my authority or tries to overthrow me," I chuckle.

He looks taken aback. "Who the hell would try to overthrow you?"

"There are a lot of witches, especially the males, that don't like having a young female as an elder. They've tried to kill me on more than one occasion," I tell him. Amusement crosses my face at his reaction.

"Damn, that sounds like fun," he snorts, shaking his head. He reaches down into the pit and I move closer, my interest peaking.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

He waves me towards him. "Just come here and look," he says.

I frown, sitting down on the other side of the pit. I look down and my eyes fly wide. "Oh my gods," I breathe. "Okay I'm not crazy right? Those things are actually real?"

He laughs and it instantly makes me smile. He laughs with his whole body, throwing his head back and clasping his hands together.

I bite my lip, trying to hide my grin as I shake my head and look back down into the pit. It is pretty big, about 10 ft across and at least 6 ft deep. But what freaks me out are the creatures inside the pit: six massive scorpions are crawling around, each one with claws bigger than my fists. They are completely black—a stark contrast to the glowing red coals they walk over.

"Okay seriously, why do you guys have a pit full of giant scorpions?" I ask, staring at their massive pincers and barbed tails.

"My brother and I would catch them when we were younger, they live near the tops of the volcanoes. They're super fast and their sting will kill instantly, unless you're a dragon, then it just hurts like a bitch," he chuckles. "But when our mom was busy with something that my brother and I couldn't help with, she'd bet that we couldn't get one. It was mostly to keep us busy but we loved it. We would spend hours trying to get one and then bring it back to her. They're tricky little bastards and so we decided to keep the ones we managed to catch."

My eyes grew wider with each word. "So you caught these things with your bare hands?"

He nods. "Yeah, they're usually hiding under boulders or at the edge of the volcanos. They like to bury themselves in the dirt too so sometimes you have to dig them up and hope they don't sting you. Once you find one though you just have to grab them by the tail and then hold them by the middle so they can't pinch you—and I just realized I've been talking almost this entire time I'm sorry," he mutters, nervously rubbing his neck.

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