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SO I've gotten a few requests for this and I like the idea so I'm going with it. Chapters will now go Syrra, Kaine, choice POV, Syrra, Kaine, choice POV, Syrra, Kaine, choice POV, etc. This way I can put more chapters out too cause I really enjoy writing Syrra and Kaine. This chapter would normally be a choice POV so I'm doing Taylor because it was the runner up to Syrra in the last poll.

I hope you enjoy!!!!


I know staring is rude, but it's hard not to when a really attractive person decides to rip off their shirt right in front of you.

I shake my head and drag my eyes away from his bare chest. I let out a heavy sigh. "What the hell are you doing Logan?" I murmur.

He bounces on his feet, shaking out his shoulders and adjusting the wraps over his hands. The bulging muscles covering his body and smirk on his face would be intimidating if he was next to an average werewolf—even next to a trained warrior. But Beta Logan is absolutely puny next to Jaxon.

"—and Alpha Jaxon are both undefeated, but tonight will be the end of one of their winning streaks!" Megan declares.

Jaxon looks so annoyed with the whole situation. He didn't even want to fight but Beta Logan had insisted—well, more like bugged the crap out of him until Jaxon finally gave in.

I hear a bell ding and hold my breath. The beta immediately rushes at Jaxon who throws a punch at his face. His fist hits the side of Logan's jaw and he collapses onto the concrete floor. I shake my head, cursing under my breath when he doesn't get up.

Jaxon shoves the door open and pushes his way through the swarm of people. The club was instantly packed with wolves after the beta challenged him, though I don't know why. Everyone knows his fights are really short.

"What are you drinking?" He asks as he sits down at the bar beside me.

"It's just an iced tea," I shrug, taking another sip.

He nods, waving over Lindsay and asking for a soda. He puts his elbows on the bar and holds his head in his hands. He tugs at his hair.

My eyes wander over his figure. He is extremely fit but his muscle is lean. He normally looks very tall and lanky with his clothes on.

My gaze is drawn to the tattoo on his shoulder. He rarely goes without a shirt so this is the first time I've gotten a good look at it. It is a black tribal design with thick lines and looks like it could be a rune or sigil of some kind. 

"Where's your shirt?" I ask, struggling to look away.

He sighs. "Sorry, someone took it from me before the fight and I have no idea what happened to it after that," he mumbles.

"Ah okay," I mutter.

Are you still here? A voice echoes in my mind.

Yeah, why?

He's starting to wake up but he's really dizzy and can't walk on his own.

I sigh heavily. I'll be there in a second, I say.

I look over at Jax who is staring at his soda. "Are you okay?" I ask.

"Just thinking."

I gently put a hand on his shoulder. "You know, talking about it might help. You're not the only one who misses him," I tell him. I kiss his cheek lightly before making my way to the back room. 

Megan sits on the floor of the tiny storage room with Logan laying down beside her, his head in her lap. She looks relieved when I walk in. "Oh thank the goddess. He's being a huge pain in the ass. He won't get up and he keeps saying weird things that make no sense and he's drooling," she says with a grimace.

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