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And you aren't gonna let him go.

You entered the cafeteria and Taehyung waved you over to come sit with him.

Walking to his table you noticed all the tables closest to Taehyung had girls sitting at them.

They were all staring at you.
You flipped your hair and sashayed over to Taehyung and the rest of the guys.

Ignoring the prying eyes that were watching your every move.

"Y/N," Jungkook yelled, approaching you with his arms wide open.

"Hey Kookie," you hugged him, while hugging you whispered in his ear "are the guys treating you well?"

He whispered back,"Yes Y/N, To be honest, I think they're afraid of you."

You laughed and pulled away from him, playfully messing up his hair, "good!"

You and Jungkook, even though you've only met recently, you feel your closest with him.

After Taehyung of course.

"Y/N come sit." Taehyung said.

You walked over and sat down right beside him. And you heard almost the entire lunchroom gasp.

You could tell the others heard it too.

"Guys why are they doing that?" You asked.

"You know how girls are bat shit crazy for good ol' Taehyung here." Namjoon slung his arm around Tae, "Because of that he stayed away from them, as a result he never had a girl friend, so no girl had ever sat next to him, nor hung out with him. You would be the first." Namjoon informed you.

It amazed you how much Taehyungs popularity messes with his life, every single aspect of it. Including his love life.

"Anything else I need to know?"

"Yes actually! There's this super duper obsessed group of girls, I think they call themselves League of Tae it's like they claim Taehyung as their private property." Jimin added.

"You see Y/N the girls at this school have this monarchy kinda of set up, where the girls in general could all look, talk about, and fantasize about Taehyung but not touch. And if there ever was a girl to touch Taehyung the only exception would be a girl who's apart of the "League of Tae" but obviously that most likely won't happen since you were the first girl to even be noticed by Taehyung, I guess as long as you don't touch him it'll be fine." Namjoon told you.

"But we have touched before, in front of the whole school, we held hands walking through the hallways, pretty much everybody saw." Taehyung added.

"The League Of Tae normally goes after girls who dont follow their rules" Jimin said.

"So if anyone does anything to Y/N, we'll know who it was!" Taehyung inferred, feeling proud of his problem solving skills.

"Well not exactly, the League of Tae is a secret group no one knows who they are unless they want you to know. And you better hope that they don't reveal themselves to you, because that's often a sign that they're coming for you. And if you talk you're done."

Jungkook made a motion with his hand as if he was cutting his throat, killing himself.

Taehyung turned to you and said, "Has anyone, done anything to you?"

"Well it's nothing really. Someone just left something in my locker."
As the last word left your mouth you knew you should've kept quiet.

Before you could do anything, you were being dragged out of the cafeteria by Taehyung, the other boys following closely behind.

"Open it." Taehyung demanded.

"It's not in there anymore," you said, I mean you aren't lying.

"Then where is it?" Taehyung said, folding his arms and staring down at you intensely.

"Uhhh, LOOK OVER THERE." All of the boys turned around, looking the opposite way.

You thought you were being discreet when you threw your back pack in the nearby trash can.

Yoongi came up behind you and whispered in your ear, "nice try Y/N."

You watched him as he walked over to the trash can and retrieve the back pack you tried to conceal from the members.

Seems like all but one of the boys fell for your distraction plan.

"Wow thanks Yoongi I've been looking for that all day!" You tried to play it off.

You walked over to him and tried to grab your back pack but he tossed it to Hoseok.

"Search it," Yoongi ordered.

Hoseok began to shuffle through your backpack.

Books, more books, pencil case, more books. Then he found the picture that was previously in your locker, placed there by the League of Tae members.

All the boys huddled around Hoseok looking at the photo.

"Y/N where you planning on telling us about this?" Taehyung asked, out of pure concern for your safety.

"No," you answered, your head hanging low.

"Well why not!"

"Because I didn't want you to worry!"

Jin went around taping each members shoulder, silently signaling that they should leave and give you and Taehyung some privacy.

The boys left you and Taehyung alone.

"Y/N do you know what I would do if you suddenly disappeared out of my life? Out of all the fake ass girls your the only one who saw me, Tae, not fucking Kim Taehyung!"

You didn't reply to him.

"Y/N I care about you, I know we haven't spent much time together but I already feel like we're the bestest of friends.
And I don't want to lose that.

I don't want to lose you."


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