Q&A special answers 😅 (finally)

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Sorry in advance for any typos 😶👀🚶🏾‍♂️

Hey to anyone who stuck around for this...
I'm sorry I put this off for so long I was rlly worried no one would read it so I was scared to do it and face that reality (also cuz I'm a procrastinator)


I'm go grateful to you readers 🥺💕

Hehe☺️ so here's what I promised :))

Questions for me, the author ☺️:
What inspired you to write this book?
      -my best friend irl wrote a Jungkook FF (that she discontinued I guess 🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️) and I was like "Oop I wanna try that!" Plus I was rlllly bored so then Boom "The Quiet One" was born.

Are you going to do season 2?
     -No, I am not :/ I'm sorry if you wanted on though.... I've decided not to write a season 2 because I don't really see the story leading anywhere else and I don't wanna do it and make it crappy and have ppl be like "it WaSnt aS goOd aS pArt One" yk?... on the other hand though I DO want to make a series of books like a "two worlds meet" type theme yk, two completely different characters with different back grounds meet scenario goin on. "the quiet one" would be book one of the series I have a Jungkook FF holed up in my drafts right now that could be book two . The books in the series have nothing in common and nothing to do with the other, other than having the same theme so you wouldn't have to read one book to understand the other.

Should I do it? Let me know

Questions for Lexi:
Are you the leader of the LoT?
-Well... yes and no. See Jungkook was making me do everything against my will he made up the LoT and made me the leader. It was all apart of his plan to get you to be his...

Do you forgive me for wanting to kill you? I'm so sorry..
Fun fact: your name means 'word' in my language (Greek)
-Of course I forgive you! Id wanted to kill me too if I were you. I did some pretty fucked up things. Against my will or not... they were still fucked up...
And thanks for the fun fact! I never knew that 😯

Are you still alive?
-Nope 😶

Questions for Taehyung:
Did he get married with her??
      -No we haven't gotten married...yet ;)

Did you end up having kids with Y/N? And if yes, what are their names?
       -no kids yet either, I'll get to working on that another time though ;)))))

Questions for Jungkook:
Why you do it boi?
-I don't know I was just jealous really, those moments Y/n and I were together were so perfect and it really got to me that in the end of this game she'd just be going back to taehyung I loved her and I still do. But what I did is not acceptable and I deserve to rot here...

What happened to you in the end???
-I got sent to prison... they put me in their psych ward as soon as I arrived. That's an experience I can never come back from. But after proving I'd regained my sanity they moved me back to the regular housing unit for inmates and now I'm serving the rest of my time... which is a long time. It gives me time to think though. Think about what I did... did to Y/N...taehyung... and L-Lexi...

Did he get back into the group??
-well no I'm still here in prison but I get visitation every Sunday and everyone comes to visit. Even Taehyung and Y/n! It makes me so happy to see them smile at me after all I put them through... it still hurts knowing that Y/n can't be mine but I have to accept it won't ever happen, ESPECIALLY with that big engagement ring sitting on her ring finger

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