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so you called up your good friend Jungkook.

You met up with Jungkook in the auditorium of the school, since no one would be in there at that time, and it was the perfect place to discuss your plan.

"Y/N!" Jungkook yelled as he ran up to you, giving you the biggest hug ever.

You really needed that hug.

"Hey kook" you hugged him back and ruffled his hair.

"It's been so long Y/N"

"Yeah I know, but why don't you guys talk to me anymore, we could've easily kept in touch. I appreciate that you text me occasionally but why not just meet up in person?"

"Y/N you don't even know the half of it, ever since Lexi, started hanging around Taehyung it's like she's been controlling his entire life. She started bossing us around too. I don't even know where she came from. Then all of a sudden, she announces that she and Taehyung are dating! In all honesty, Y/N we thought you and Taehyung would have dated."

You chuckled and mumbled under your breath 'yeah I thought so too.'

Too quiet for Jungkook to hear.

"Okay Kookie, deep breaths,"

Jungkook followed your command and started to take deep breaths, calming himself down.

Cutting to the chase, you popped the question that has been haunting you for way too long.

You decided that you needed answers and you need them now.

"Jungkook, why did Taehyung stop texting me?"

"I don't know if I should tell you this," Jungkook fiddled with his fingers.

"Kookie it's okay, I want to know."
You reassured him.

"He told us that Lexi is the only girl in his life and he's only focusing on her, he said he 'had no time for distractions like Y/N'. I don't mean to hurt you by saying this. I'm just telling you what he told us."

"Huh, 'distractions like y/n' well, distraction he wants then distraction he'll get. I'm not sitting in the background anymore, I'm tired of playing the supporting character to my own life. I'm tired of being 'The Quiet One'"

You and Jungkook ditched two of your class periods in the auditorium trying coming up with a plan to get Taehyung back, freeing him from the prison Lexi made for him and the other guys.

Little did Jungkook know that this plan was also a plot to get Taehyung to fall for you.

The first steps of their plan being 'Infiltration.' In order to get Taehyung back, you needed to enter their group again and Kookie, being the genius he is, gave you the perfect ticket in.


"Y/N I got it! Just be my girlfriend!"

"Kookie. I'm touched I really am but, I'm not the one for you." You rested your hand on his shoulder.

"I mean, you know I kinda have a thing for Tae and I think of you as like a little brother to me. Sorry but I just can't."

Jungkook just stared at you.

"What?" You asked completely confused.

Then Jungkook began to laugh.

"Oh my god Y/N you're something else, I mean be my girlfriend so I can get you back into the group, it'll be pretend. And let's not skip over what you just said."

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