Story of My Life (Social Distortion)

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The side of my bed was still warm where Jordan slept all night, but when I opened my eyes, I discovered he was gone. He wasn't anywhere in my room. I wandered down the stairs, made myself a cup of coffee and went outside to the porch in the hopes of finding Jordan. He's the first thing I thought about in the morning. Instead, I found Tim who was reading. Nothing changed since we were kids, always a book worm.

"Hey," I said. "Have you seen Jordan anywhere?" I asked.

"Huh?" he said, not looking up from his book.

"Jordan," I said. "Have you seen him?"

"Why are you so interested in the whereabouts of my brother?" he asked, finally looking up from his book.

"Just wondering," I said, hoping Tim would forget about my curiosity and return to his book.

"He's out and about somewhere," he said. "I see you two helped yourself to the brownies already." I sat down, hoping Jordan would show up.

"It was just a taste test," I said.

"A quarter of the pan is gone," he said. Yeah, I guess we got carried away, I thought to myself, remembering last night. "He was up early today. He's always up early, but earlier than usual. I think he's excited about going with you today. I really don't know what's gotten into him lately."

"He's kind of fun," I said, spotting Jordan at the entrance of the woods in only his boxers and bare feet. A smile immediately came to my lips when I spotted him. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, where are you going?" he said as I got up to go to him.

"I'm going to play," I said.

"I think you've eaten way too many brownies and smoked way too much weed," he said.

"Maybe," I said, running down the porch stairs. "Morning," I said once I reached Jordan. "Did you sleep okay?" He didn't say anything, walking back into the woods, leading me to the raspberry bushes. He picked a handful, then stopped abruptly in front of me. "What are you going to do, feed me?" I teased. Opening my mouth, I accepted the raspberries.

"Do I snore?" he asked after he popped a few raspberries in my mouth.

"No," I said. "But I'm a sound sleeper, so I guess I really wouldn't know." I couldn't help but notice that Jordan's legs were covered in dirt up to his knees. "You know you really have to take a shower before we go."

"Yeah, I know," he said, feeding me another raspberry.

"And swimming in the pool doesn't count."

"Yeah, I know." Jordan started walking again and I followed, wondering where he was taking me this time. We walked further and further, landing on a mountain of rocks.

"I don't know how you walk out here in your bare feet," I said.

"I'm used to it," he shrugged. He walked over the rocks, back and forth, back and forth. I knew him well enough by now to know he was thinking about something. Maybe he'd say something, maybe he wouldn't. "I've never been on a plane," he said. "My dad's been everywhere and I've never left New England."

"Maybe you can come see me in London," I said. He stopped walking and looked at me, not sure if I was serious or not. I liked the idea of him visiting me in London. "But you'll need a passport."

"Tim would never let me go." I didn't think he needed permission from Tim. It seemed like he needed permission for everything.

"You're 19," I said. "You're not a kid, right?"

In Between Days: Raising Jordan (boyxman)✅Where stories live. Discover now