Bizarre Love Triangle

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No one, not even Gavin, had ever made me breakfast in bed. I certainly never expected it from Jordan. That's what made it even more special. After a brief conversation with Tim out in the hallway, Jordan now sulked on his bed.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" I asked, kicking his foot with mine. He didn't say anything, taking a bite of his toast. "Is Tim okay? What's going on?"

"He's going to see Mom today," he said. "He's taking me instead of you." I wasn't actually planning on going anywhere today, so it was a little unfair of Jordan to assume I would take him again. I didn't mind taking him and going to the beach with him, but she was Tim's mother, too. Besides, I just didn't feel like going.

"Maybe we can do something when you come back," I said.

"Like what?" he said with a pout.

"You're cute when you pout, you know that?"

"Shut up," he said, getting out of bed. "I'm not cute."

"Okay. You're not cute," I said. "Even if you are." He went to the window and opened the blinds a few inches, letting in the morning sun. It was definitely a perfect beach day. I just wasn't in the mood. "We can go to a Drive-in tonight. There's one about an hour from here. Oh, I forgot you don't watch movies." My parents used to take Liz and I to that same Drive-in when we were little. I probably hadn't been there since. It just came to my mind, something different than swimming or fucking.

"I've never been to a Drive-in before," he said. "I like some movies. Did Tim tell you I don't like movies? I saw the Avengers, you know, opening night."

"I forgot you like Marvel Comics. You told me I looked like Thor."

"Before his hair got chopped off," he said. "If I go with you, what do I tell Tim?"

"Well, maybe Tim can go see his girlfriend," I said, approaching him at the window. "That's what he wanted to do last night."

"Yeah, I guess."

"We could go to the Drive-in, then come back and go swimming. It'll be really late, so I'm sure Art won't be up."

"Okay," he said. I tugged at his bottom lip, making his pout go away. His pout turned into a reluctant smile. Placing a hand on the back of my neck, he kissed me. His kissing almost always ended with something more.

"You have to take a shower and get ready," I said in-between kisses.

He hopped up on the window sill and wrapped his legs around my body. 

"Oh no...You're going to kill me, you know that?" I carried him to the bed and dropped him on it. "We'll do this later," I said, looking down at him.

"Take a shower with me," he said while I pulled up my shorts. "Hey, where are you going?"

"I have to pee, is that all right with you?" I teased him.  Still, he got up and followed me. "Stay here. I'll be right back," I laughed as he trailed behind me. I ended up closing the door on him. Emerging from the bathroom, Tim suddenly appeared, standing there in the hallway staring at me as my laughter subsided.

"Uh, sorry...just have to go to the bathroom," I said.

"Tell your roommate to hurry up," he said.

As if on cue, Jordan opened his bedroom door in a pair of boxers. He looked at me, then at Tim, and back to me again. After a brief pause, he ran into the bathroom and slammed the door. Damn, I really had to pee.

"I better hear the water turn on," Tim shouted to him behind the bathroom door.  Because I had to pee desperately, I ran pass Tim down the stairs, running into the downstairs' bathroom.

In Between Days: Raising Jordan (boyxman)✅Where stories live. Discover now