Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"Jesus Amy! Warn me next time you start to strip when I walk in!" I hear Harry yell from her room. Growling, I stepped forward.

"Harry, come on. You have seen me naked before. Why is it suddenly bothering you now?" She asks, confusion coating her voice. She actually feels comfortable being naked around him.

"Amelia." Harry begins.

"Please don't lecture me." She interrupts.

"Amelia, you have a mate now. Imagine how he would feel if he saw us alone in your bedroom with you naked like that. I'm sure he would get the wrong idea. I know that we are comfortable around each other, but he wouldn't understand that.

"Amelia, you have to understand what I'm trying to say. You can't keep pushing him away like that. He's a Lycan. He's strong, he's powerful. He can protect you from the hunters. You know that you can't stay here forever. You're too close to home. What if you get caught one day?

"You can leave with him. Be with him. Let him in. Let him love you, and allow yourself to love. You know it's what is best for you and your wolf. We all know you're special, even more so now that you're mated to a Lycan. That shit doesn't just happen every day. It's never happened before. Werewolves are mated with other werewolves, sometimes even humans. But a transformed werewolf and Lycan just doesn't happen."

"Are you saying that me being mated to a Lycan is impossible?!" She shrieks. "How fucking dare you, Harry! I may not accept him, I may never accept him. But I do recognize him as my mate. My wolf and I have both accepted that fact. So please, don't question our bond."

"Why not question it? Amelia, c'mon. You have barely said two words to the guy. You're always walking away from him. You're leaving him angry, hurt and broken. Imagine if it were the other way around. But mates shouldn't be able to hurt each other like that."

"You know I have had struggle feeling any form of love since I left the hunters. Even before I started to train with the hunters. They ripped me apart, Harry. They destroy your heart. They break it, they shatter it, they burn it and let the wind scatter the ashes into the sea, never to be seen again.

"From day one, I have been told to shoot first, think later, feel never. It is why they can kill without hesitation. I have tried to be like them, but I couldn't. My heart couldn't do that. The day my face showed up on the news announcing my death, my heart froze." She said angrily.

I could feel the emotions in her voice. I could feel the ice inside her heart that refuses to thaw out. She is stuck in mourning her life, her mother and never being able to see her father again. Her life was ripped away too quickly for her to comprehend. She is still trying to come to terms with it.

"Harry, just leave. I don't want to talk to you right now." She says coldly.

"Fine. But talk to him okay? I'm sure he wants to see you and wants to know you. Let him be there for you Amy, let him in. Who knows, maybe he can thaw out your heart and you can be happy again. I know that the happiness you feel with people in this pack is not the same as the happiness you had from being with your mother, but maybe he can replace it."

I hear movement in her room before the door opens and Harry walks out. He looks at me, understanding on his face. He knew I was here this whole time. He motions with his head for me to go inside. I nod my head, grateful.

I knock lightly on the open door, alerting her I'm here. She pokes her head out of the door frame of what I assume is her bathroom. Her eyes widen in surprise. She disappears behind the door and yells out, "you can come in."

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