Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Everything fell into place when Mike returned. It was as though everything just clicked into alignment. I was the happiest I could have ever been in this moment.

I was the strongest member in the pack, I trained the elite warriors, and my mate has returned to me; a Lycan. Reflecting back on my whole life, I simply could not believe that I had been oblivious to this world.

Everything had suddenly made sense. My mother, my father, the basement, the random attacks, the howls from the forest. Albeit, I did put it down to the wolves that live in the forest - well, everyone did - but I should have known better.

I am part of this world now. I had been a part of it before I was even born yet it was hidden from me when all the pieces had been placed before me in plain sight. I was not happy that my parents had hidden this from me, I was not happy that my father wanted me to turn against my own kind but he did it with reason.

Either way, I was going to turn my own kind because I am not like the regular werewolves here. Far from it. My mother was a werewolf, she had alpha blood running through her veins (I had Sam investigate her, but the pack she had belonged to were slaughtered by the hunters and she was the only survivor because she had run away). But my father, he was a hunter, he's from thousands of generations of werewolf hunters and their blood races through his veins with a cold vengeance.

Half werewolf. Half hunter.

That is what makes me strong, that is what makes me immune to Alpha's commands and how I can block an authority challenge. I was strong physically and mentally. But emotionally, I was a literal wreck.

Plagued by the death - no, murder - of my mother, the night I was attacked, the hunters and Mick. I was a mess. I still had nightmares from that night I was attacked, I even had nightmares of the hunters finding me and killing me in the dead of night.

But was I supposed to do about any of it? I know I couldn't let it plague me for the whole of my life. Instead, I chose to focus on the positives in my life. That was all I have now to keep me going.

Taking a deep breath, I walked into the dining hall. Everyone inside had turned and looked at us. Their eyes bulging out of their sockets when they zeroed in on my hand clasped in Mike's. Heat crept to my cheeks at the attention.

A loud, relieved sigh echoed inside the room. "Well, it was about damn time!" A woman had shouted across the hall. She was not a member of this pack, yet she radiated strength. I guessed she was a Lycan and belonged to Mike's pack.

"Thank God, now we can stop listening to him pine over her." A male beside her agreed, before adding in a high pitched voice, "Oh Amy, I can't live without her. Shall she choose to be without me, I would jump off this very cliff. I will hand her the sword to end my life. I can't imagine a life where I am not by her side-"

"Nick. That's enough." Mike ordered in a cold, controlled voice. I didn't miss the slight twitch at the corner of his mouth which told me he found it funny but he didn't want it to show. The man, Nick, saluted and took his seat at a table with the woman following closely behind.

I smiled to myself as Mick lead the way inside the hall and towards the food. We both grabbed a plate and he placed food on both of the plates. I was happy. I didn't expect to see this side of him. He seemed like the type who did things for himself, yet here he was, putting food on my plate. Perhaps it's just a one-time thing.

Once he felt satisfied that there was enough food for the both of us, he grabbed my plate from my hands and began walking away. I stared at his retreating back in shock. I can carry my own damn plate thank you very much.

Racing after him, I ignored everyone's 'aww's and giggles. He finally stopped at a table and I skidded to a halt next to him. Pointing an accusing finger at him under his nose, I scowled at him.

"I am a strong, independent, werewolf who doesn't need a Lycan to carry her plate of food for her. Understand?" I barked at him. My nostrils flaring.

"Yes, boss." He laughed, but I noticed the slight tremor in his voice. With one last, glare, I snatched my plate and sat down at the table. I hadn't noticed that his two accompanying Lycans were here as well and they were staring at me in shock.

"Whipped." Nick coughed as Mike took his seat beside me.

"Who you calling whipped? The only person here who is whipped is you." Mike snapped.

"I am so not whipped," Nick argued.

"Oh really? Go fetch me some ketchup or no sex tonight." The woman snarled at him.

"Yes mistress, right away mistress." Nick stammered. He stood up, bowed and raced off to find ketchup. I looked at the center of the table and pointed to a red bottle.

"Do you think he knows that there is a full bottle right there?" I asked pathetically.

"Probably not. Let him race around like a headless chicken." Mike laughed as he watched Nick rush around confused.

"I'm sorry, we haven't formally been introduced because Mike would like to keep you all to himself. I'm Claire, Nick's mate. Nick is the one who runs around like a flustered pigeon trying to find ketchup. He's the Beta, where Mick here is our Alpha. Which makes you, Amy, our Luna." The blonde woman said confidently.

I blinked in a daze at her. Nothing she said had really sunk in and just went over my head except for a few small parts. She laughed at my expression and I shook my head, deciding to focus on my food.

"Claire, she just needs a little time to get used to all of us. She hasn't been a wolf for long and has known about Lycans for an even shorter period of time. She is probably still getting used to werewolves, nevermind being a Luna to the Lycans." Mike warned while rubbing comforting circles on my back.

It is no lie that I am still getting used to this world. I'm still learning about werewolves. I thought I had learned everything that I needed to know while studying about them while I was living with my father. But there was so much that was not mentioned which I had learned here.

I chose to ignore the bickering and commotion all around me. My food was more important to me now than anything else. My stomach growled, agreeing with me. I bit back a giggle as I began to devour the feast before me.

I was done within minutes. Feeling stuffed, I leaned over and rested my head on Mike's arm. He was too tall for me to put my head on his shoulder, so I settled on his arm instead and hugged it close to my chest.

His warmth radiated and filled me with happiness. I would never have guessed that my mate was actually a Lycan. I would never have guessed I would have a mate at all. The Moon Goddess works in mysterious ways and I suppose this is her way of telling me that everyone, including me, deserves happiness and a second chance. I was grateful.

But all too quickly, my happiness was destroyed. A scent filled my nose which I hadn't smelled for nearly a year now. I scrunched my face in disgust and then realization dawned on me.


They were here. How did they find this place? Sam had a witch who could cloak this place from the human eye. There was no possible way they could have stumbled upon this place without another supernatural creature.

I tried to wrack my brain for any plausible explanation of how they could have gotten here. I did not know if they had any other werewolves with them, but they did say I was the first hunter who was actually a werewolf.

I knew everyone could smell them too. There were low growls and peoples faces scrunched up at how bad the hunters smelled.

Everyone immediately jumped to their feet. Some of the women hurried the children away to hide somewhere safe. The rest of us got ready in position. I signaled to my team and they quickly got in their formation.

"You better be fucking ready boys. We have to protect this pack with our lives. We're not gonna go down without a fight. You got me?!" I barked through the mind link. They had their game faces on and replied with a curt nod.

I've done all I can to prepare them for this fight. I only hope it was enough. I don't know if the hunters have become stronger, or changed their tactics or both since I have left. But then again, I highly doubt much has changed because they all think I was dead.

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