Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Warning: Violent scenes continues into this chapter. I do apologize, I had not expected it to continue on into this chapter but I really badly enjoyed having a cliffhanger in the previous chapter. Sorry.

I danced over to the shaking being on the floor. Grabbing him by the scruff of the neck, I flung him towards Mike's feet. I nodded at him. Instantly, Mike had pulled the man to his feet and pinned his arms behind him.

I walked over to them and rose my knee quickly to his crotch. He released a shriek of pain. The girl flinched and made a move to get closer to us. I put my hand up, motioning for her to stop. She froze in her position, her eyes glued to the man in Mike's arms.

"Please. Let him go." She begged. "JUST LET HIM GO."

"Do you know who this is?" I asked her, looking back at the man.

"Y-yes." She stammered.

"He used to train me, you know. You should have heard our earlier conversation, it was quite amusing really." I told her. I spared her a glance before looking back at the man.

"Please-" She began.

"Jonathan was nice to me, you know? He helped me. He was there after my first shift, he taught me the best ways to get to someone you know? Well, I guess he's to blame for your pain right now."

"Amy, what are you-" Mike began. I glared at him, making him shut up.

"Jonathan took me out to eat quite often really. I thought nothing of it at the time, just thought it was his way of treating me. We became close friends quite quickly. It wasn't until a year ago when he admitted he had feelings for me.

"But of course I didn't reciprocate those feelings so he took me home. Well, more drama happened so I ran away. One year later, the hunters invade my home. I see Jonathan and his broken heart just couldn't let me go.

"Did you know he wanted me to go with him? To run away with him? He even told me he would give up being a hunter, just to be with him. Quite pathetic really when I have my own mate.

"So here I am, wondering. If you care for him, why does he not care for you? Where is the love here? One sided love? I think he can relate to that, to be honest with you."

I punched him in the ribs, then the face. My fists kept colliding with his body. I was angry. I was angry at him, at my father, at this girl and the pain she felt.

"Why?" The girl whispered. I stopped in my tracks. I turned to her, I opened my mouth to answer her but was cut off before I could even make a single noise. "WHY WAS IT NEVER ME? It was always Amy. Amy this, Amy that. I figured if I could beat her, you would finally see me."

I rolled my eyes. "I think the love birds could do with a bit of a talk," I said in a bored tone. Mike dropped Jonathan to the floor, then kicked him in the ribs.

"If Amy wasn't done with you, I would have killed you on the spot." Mike threatened.

"I'm not done with you!" The girl screamed. I smirked to myself. Spinning around, I faced her as she stomped towards me. She slapped me across the face.

Raising my foot, I kicked her in the chest. She went flying back into a table and, not so graciously, toppled over the table. I jumped on one of the tables and hopped from table to table to where she was.

She pulled the bacon out her hair with a disgusted scowl before joining me on the table. I crouched down and kicked my leg out when she tried to find her balance. She fell back to the floor, her body landing in an awkward position.

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