Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I slammed the door shut behind me and stormed my way back to the training grounds. Fury ran deep in my bones. I needed to release the anger that was boiling under the surface.

"That's it for today boys." I seethed. The warriors immediately stopped in their tracks and gave me a worried glance.

"Miss. You good?" One of the warriors asked.

"Do I look fucking good to you?" I coldly shot back. He threw his hands up in surrender and I huffed.

"Miss, do we need to have that all on one attack session again. If you let this anger bubble any longer you will lose all control." Another warrior piped up. I nodded my head furiously and allowed my warriors to circle around me.

I readied my stance and eyed my warriors cautiously. The meeting with the alpha has pushed my anger to a new level and I couldn't shake it from my memory.

"Alpha. What's up? Just tell me already!" I say, exasperated as he adjusts his position in his office chair once more.

"There's no easy way to say this." He informed sadly.

"Just spit it out." I slam my hands on his desk, determined to squeeze it out of him if he doesn't just spill whatever it is that's making him because of a nervous wreck.

"The Lycans are coming back." He announced slowly. My whole body froze as an icy shiver snaked down my spine at the mention of Lycans.

"L-Lycans?" I stammer. My fists clenching as I straighten myself out.

"Yes. They have been here before, but when they left, you went into a depressive state. Once recovered, you slowly forgot all about them."

"Why would I become depressed after Lycans had left?"

"That's not something for me to share with you. You will soon see why when they arrive this afternoon. I suggest you alert all wolves on the training fields today about the Lycans arrival. The others have already been alerted and are preparing for their arrival. Wrap up your training session as soon as you can."

"What do you mean you can't share that information with me? What is so good about these damn Lycans anyways?" I screamed.

"Amy, calm down-"

"OH HELL NO. Do you NOT tell a she-wolf to calm down. Do you fucking hear me? You may be my Alpha, but no man tells a woman to calm down."

"I am your Alpha, so you must obey!" He barks. The room begins to shake but his alpha tone doesn't work on me. Not anymore. It hasn't for a few months now so I have been pressing his buttons every now and again to see if it will affect me again.

"You forget your alpha tone no longer works on me!"

"I will strip you of all authority and kick you out of this pack if you do not obey." He fired back. I clamped my mouth shut. Giving him a final warning glare, I turned on my heel and stormed out his office.

As my warriors came at me with their attacks, I easily avoided them and battled them all off. During all of this, I relayed the message to them regarding the Lycans. My anger slowly evaporated with every punch and kick I delivered onto my men.

Hours must have passed by, and we had attracted the pack's whole attention. Everyone stood at a safe distance from us and I saw from the corner of my eyes that they eagerly watched the show.

"Focus that aim, Willam." I barked. "Put more force behind that punch Derek. Less swing on that kick James."

Many against one. Although it every other case this situation will be unfair, on the contrary, it is not for me. I am the strongest in this pack, excluding the Alpha.

I like to use this as a way to examine their different fighting skills. It's also a great way to judge how much power they are putting behind their attacks and their strategies. I have done this many times with them, eventually, they had discovered the original purpose was to get them to attack as a unit rather than as individuals.

I still wasn't out of breath, but my men were sweaty and panting for breath. Sighing, I waved them off. "Hit the showers boys. Same time tomorrow." I ordered. They saluted and sprinted off to the showers, each of them tackling each other to the ground to get there first.

Shaking my head, I turned and walked towards the dumbfounded crowd.

"Princess, that was amazing!" Harry cheered, clapping his hands excitedly.

"You've truly got them wrapped around your finger." Will stated proudly as he crossed his arms over his chest. My heart swelled with happiness. My brothers were proud of me, finally, they can see me as the strong she-wolf I am.

I looked at the crowd and noticed three tall wolves I had never seen before. My curiosity was spiking. I knew everyone in this pack, so who are they? Two were male, and the other was a female. They looked strong and powerful. They seemed familiar to me but I didn't know where I could have possibly seen them from before.

Harry slung his arm around my shoulders and dragged me inside. The rest of the pack scurried after us inside the pack house. They all scattered to do their individual things while Harry, Will, Merida and I went to the living room. It had been a while since the four of us got to hang out.

I dived onto the sofa and spread my legs out, preventing anyone from sitting with me. Merida rolled her eyes then leaped over the arm of the sofa and curled up next to me. I wrapped my arms around her as we snuggled close together. Will and Harry made themselves comfortable on the floor in front of us.

Will quickly turned on the TV and scanned through the channels for something interesting to watch until he came across Ghost Adventures and we all agreed to watch. Mainly because I wanted to see Zac Bagins because hot damn, I would tap that!

I felt a shiver run down my back, and I could feel eyes on me. I looked behind me and around the room but I could see no one. The feeling went away, but my suspicion and senses were on high alert.

I shook my head, just leaving it down to my imagination. I'm probably on edge because of the TV show we are currently watching. Still, I remained on high alert just in case I wasn't imagining things.

Just as the Ghost Adventures team were about to do their night investigation I got an order from the Alpha through the mind link. "Amy, my office. Now." He ordered. Sighed, I gave my apologies to my friends and made my way to his office.

People smiled and greeted me as I walked through the house. I greeted them back politely. I was still getting used to people being nice to me. It felt as though it were only yesterday when they were being cautious of me and iced me out. I'm glad I have made them see me in a different light now.

I stopped outside his office. There was another person in there, I could the power radiating from just outside the door. I could smell them from here too, their scent felt familiar but I couldn't place my finger on where and when I had smelled before.

I knocked twice on the dark wooden door. The sound echoed in the room inside. The room became deadly silent that you could hear a pin drop. It was at that moment I realized that the corridor is empty of the pack wolves, normally they would loiter around this corridor. A minute passed before I heard the usual gruff, 'enter'.

I turned the handle and slowly creaked the door open. I was rarely called to the Alpha's office, and when I was, it was when I was in deep trouble. I could not think of anything I had done that could anger the Alpha lately. I was trying to delay the upcoming scolding as much as physically possible.

I kept my focus on the handle. My heart pounded violently in my chest as blood rushed in my ears. My thoughts began to race and I felt the cold panic set in as though I had jumped into the river in winter.

When the door was completely open, I finally peeled my eyes away from the handle and looked up. My whole body froze and locked up. Shit.

Compelled By The MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora