Chapter 6: Opportunity Knocks

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-Ava's POV-

Please kill me now.

I'm done, literally f-ing done.

There's no way I can kiss him. He'll think I'm some freak. Hey, nice to me ya Harry. Wanna snog?

Not saying I wouldn't like to take a little test drive with those lips, but it's not happening.

With what I've heard about him, he seems like such a nice and funny guy. Someone I would want to be friends with. I'm not gonna ruin the chance of that happening. And I'm pretty sure giving him an unwanted kiss the first night we meet might make that a bit awkward going forward.

He would either push me away disgusted or kiss me back and expect something more.

I have no desire to be completely embarrassed by his rejection. And I don't want a relationship or a quick lay.

Kissing him would just give him all the wrong signals.

I'm completely fine with continuing to be subjected to Poppy's incessant need to get me to shack up with someone, anyone really. Okay, not completely fine, but I'll take that any day over following through with this.

Even just hooking up with someone could mean feelings get involved. Yes, its been almost a year since I left the states, but I haven't had enough time to move on yet.

I refuse to lose myself trying to hold on to someone who doesn't care about losing me. I won't go through that again. I can't go through that again.

I'm suddenly pulled out of my thoughts by Poppy snapping her fingers in front of my face.


"Sorry. What?" My voice is back, thank god.

Poppy raises an eyebrow at me. "You alright? You like went in a daze there."

"Yes, I'm fine. Sorry. Was just thinking about something." God can I be more of a freak?

"Okay then. Well as I was sa-" Poppy continues, but is interrupted by Freya. "Poppy darling! They still need to be properly introduced!"

For once I am happy, no ecstatic, that Freya interrupted a conversation. She has a habit of doing that.

Freya puts her arm around my shoulders. "Ava darling, this delectable creature is Harry Styles."

I can see Harry's cheeks turn slightly pink. So cute.

"And Harry, this gorgeous and talented woman is Ava McCain."

And now it's my turn to blush. Do all my friends have to embarrass me? I obviously do a wonderful job of that all on my own.

Harry smiles at me, once again giving me the pleasure of seeing his dimples. Maybe one kiss wouldn't be so bad...

"Lovely to meet you Ava."

"Nice to meet you as well. I love your work. The songs you write are wonderful."

"Thank you." He beams. "It's not everyday someone takes note of my writing... let alone complements me on it. So thank you. Your song tonight was ace. I luuuved it."

"Thank you! That means a lot coming from another writer."

"Ava! Get your bum over here so we can all congratulate you! Job well done!" Finn calls me to the table, enveloping me in a big hug when I reach him.

Olivia walks up next to him. "Really lovely song Ava, you did just marvelous." She grabs me towards her for a quick hug.

"Thanks guys! It's so great you all could be here. Your support means so much."

Almost Lover (Harry Styles) - Book 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن