Chapter 80: Girl's Night or Plans?

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-Ava's POV-

The second we step into the cafe I can hear Niall and Harry laughing. They both have this kind of loud funny laugh that's actually pretty endearing.

We find everyone sitting around a large booth in the back of the cafe. There's already a large amount of empty wine glasses scattered across it, letting us know the party is already in full swing. Poor Lou looks like she's screaming for help once she sees us.

"Finally! I couldn't bear to deal with these lads alone for another second!" She laughs as she gives us hugs hello.

Zayn gets out of the end of the booth, letting Poppy and Perrie slide in so they can sit in-between him and Niall. Louie slides out of the other side, so I can sit next to Harry.

Harry smiles widely as I slide in next to him, his dimples being one reminder of why I missed him so much today.

"Hey you." I smile at him as he drapes an arm across my back.

"Hey back. You look beautiful. That dress has me wishing dinner was over with already." He leans towards me, whispering in my ear.

I look down at my dress, now happy that I chose the orange crochet mini dress as my outfit of choice for the evening.

"You don't look so bad yourself Styles." I say as I look him over. He's wearing his normal black skinny jeans of course, but he has on a shirt I've never seen before. It's a grey tee that says ARMY across the chest. He also has a tan hat covering his unruly long curls. He's just started wearing these hats, and I love to tease him about them. But let's face it, it's not look like he looks bad in them.

"So are you going to stare at me all night or are you actually going to let me kiss you?" He asks with a smirk on his face.

I feel my cheeks go red. I've yet to master the art of covertly checking him out. A quick glance never seems to be enough.

"Teasing me won't get you a kiss." I scold him.

"So what will?" He winks at me as he places his hand on my thigh and moves it up, pushing my dress up with it.

I quickly grab his hand and widen my eyes, "Okay just stop!" I whisper yell at him.

He chuckles before leaning in and giving me a kiss. It's tortuously slow and soft. He knows exactly what he's doing to me.

"Stop with all the snogging already! We all do still need to eat you know!" Niall yells from across the table, making me jump.

Everyone laughs at my reaction except Louie who is sitting right next to me. Crap! Looking like a happy couple in front of him probably isn't the best idea. No doubt it makes him think of El. I feel so bad for him.

"So where did you find this place Niall?" Liam asks, looking over the menu.

"Girls guide to Paris." He shrugs.

We all bust out laughing, even Louie joining in this time.

"Please tell me you are joking!" Louie shakes his head, already knowing he isn't.

"Is that like a book?" Perrie asks.

"No! It's an internet site!" Niall defends himself like that fact alone makes it better.

We all laugh as Zayn calls the waiter over, requesting several bottles of wine.

"So Niall, does the Girl's Guide say what's good here?" Harry asks with a smirk on his face. It's one of his favorite looks, I swear.

Niall narrows his eyes at him, "Actually it suggested trying the veal meatballs or the sea bass."

Harry starts to open his mouth but I cut him off. He should know better than to tease Niall about food. I've been witness to it before and it never ends well. "So which are you getting?" I ask Niall.

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