Chapter 64: Emotional

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-Ava's POV-

A little over twelve hours later we are walking off the plane at Schiphol, the international airport in Amsterdam. I decided to go first class on the way back so I actually feel rested instead of ready to fall over in need of sleep.

The second we walk out of the gate we are surrounded by numerous teenage girls. Someone must have found out that Harry was on the flight and tweeted it.

I take a step back, making way for the girls to get pictures with him.

"Oh my God what is it like dating him!?" A tall girl squeals beside me, drooling over Harry. I can't blame her. He looks amazing today, in a plain black tee and his ripped black jeans. He has a bandana pulling his hair back and his raybans on. Ugh, now I'm drooling.

"Uhhhh, we are just friends." I smile at her.

"Yeah, and Zayn's jawline couldn't cut glass either." She rolls her eyes at me.

I laugh at her remark. Sometimes it can be a bit much having to deal with the boy's crazier fans, but most of them are really awesome. And I love how well the boys treat them all.

I take a swig of the red bull I'm carrying as another shorter girl turns to me.

"So how big is he really?!"

I choke on my drink, spitting it out across the floor. Harry looks over at me concerned and I'm sure my cheeks are a crimson shade of red. The girls laugh as I wipe my mouth and shake my head at them.

Harry comes over to us, putting his hand on the small of my back, "You okay love?"

"Oh she's fine," The shorter girl states, "She was just telling us how great is it being your girlfriend."

"Really!?" He looks down at me, a huge smile overtaking his face. I don't have a chance to say a word before he puts his free hand around my neck, pulling me to him and pressing his lips against my own.

"Oh my god, I knew it!!" Several of the girls gasp and scream.

Harry pulls away from me, still smiling. Confusion overtakes his face as he notices the shocked look spread across mine.

"So Ava, in answer to my previous question..." The short girl smirks at me.

"I'm going to hail a taxi." I blurt out, quickly turning and walking towards the airport doors.

Well there goes keeping things between us private for now, I think as I head outside and throw my hand up in the air to call a taxi. I don't really know how I thought we were ever going to be able to, Harry's fans are basically little detectives. Nothing gets past them. And now there's going to be more pictures out there to prove it. I know several flashes went off as he was kissing me. An no doubt, there is a video already been uploaded onto the net of the whole incident.

I sigh as a taxi pulls up. The driver jumps out and pops the trunk, taking my bag and putting it inside. I let him know we are waiting on someone as I slide into the back seat. A few minutes later I hear a bag being dropped into the truck before it's shut. Harry opens the back door and slides in next to me.

"We are going to the Andaz." Harry instructs the driver, letting him know the name of our hotel.

I look over at Harry to see him smirking at me, "So I'm guessing you weren't talking about how wonderful it is to be my girlfriend."

I shake my head, "Your fans are quite sneaky you know."

"They love me like that." He smiles, "So you aren't upset are you?"

"Of course not. You didn't know she was making that up."

"So then we are official now?" He raises his eyebrows at me.

Almost Lover (Harry Styles) - Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ