Chapter 42: "I dont know."

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-Ava's POV-


It engulfs us as he just stands there staring at me. I don't know if I should say something or if that would just set him off again, so I just stare back. I can see he's angry but there's something else. He almost looks hurt.

He's looking so intently into my eyes that I'm sure he can read my every thought. I finally look away, afraid of what he may find.

"You can't do that." He finally speaks. "You can't just go off like that."

"Harry, I didn't just go off. I was with Liam."


"Because he asked me to go hiking with him." I shrug, "I really don't see what the big deal is. He asked me if I wanted to go, I did, so I went."

"You don't see what the big deal is?" He raises his voice.

"No, I don't. Liam is my friend. I went shopping with Zayn a couple days ago. You didn't care about that." I point out.

"That's different and you know it."

"How is that different!?" I raise my voice to match his. This is absurd and I'm getting more annoyed every time he opens his mouth.

"Because Zayn doesn't have fucking feelings for you, that's why!"

"Are you kidding right now?! Liam doesn't have feelings for me. We are just friends!"

"Bullshit. I see the way he looks at you. And now he wants to spend time alone with you?"

"You're insane! We just went hiking!"

"Really... just hiking was it?" He pulls out his phone and hands it to me.

I take it and see its open on a 1D updates twitter page. And then I see them. Picture after picture of Liam and I today. One of us in front if the hotel, him with his hand on my back. Another of us driving away smiling at each other. And the last one was the one the girls took of us while he was giving me a piggyback ride, us both laughing in it.

"Aren't you just the cutest couple?" He asks.

"You're seriously upset about this?!" I scoff.

"Of course I am!", He spits. "First I have no fucking clue where you are. I try ring you and you don't answer your bloody phone. Then I'm told Liam is MIA as well. And to top it all off I get a dm from a fan with these fucking pictures of you and him!"

"Those pictures are of me and my FRIEND hiking! I didn't answer you because I didn't have my phone! And I only realized that when I went to text you to let you know where I was! You are making something out of nothing!"

"No, I'm not! How the fuck am I supposed to feel when I see my girl.."

He abruptly stops and looks down at his feet.

I lower my voice, "You're what? I'm not your girlfriend Harry."

"Do you have feelings for him?" He says so softly I can barely hear him.


"Do you have feelings for him?" He looks up and his eyes are red and glossy.

"Is that was this is all about?" I ask.

"No. I also didn't know where you were. You can't just leave like that.... I was worried sick."


"You didn't answer my question." He says, trying to change the subject.

I run my hands over my face. Why is he so worried about me lately?

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