Chapter 59: Secret Plans

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-Harry's POV-

Ava grabs ahold of the back of my shirt as multiple flashes go off. We make our way down the steps and I move her in front of me, placing my hand on the small of her back.

"Is it true you both stayed in the honeymoon suite last night?!"

"Can we get a picture!?"

"Ava, How does Liam feel about you dumping him!?"

We are bombarded with question after question as they follow us down the street, towards the car park.

"Ignore them and just keep your head down." I whisper to Ava.

When we make it to the car, I open the passenger door for Ava and she slides in. I then jog around the front and move to get into the driver's seat. Just as I'm about to close the door, the one question I was dreading is shouted out.

"Ava, how do you feel you stack up to the other woman Harry has swept away on the same weekend beach holiday?"

I cringe as I slam my door and start the car. I don't look over at Ava until we are headed down the road.

"You alright?" I ask her hesitantly.

"Yeah. I don't know how you deal with that all the time."

"I meant about the comment about me and other women." I go on, knowing I probably shouldn't even mention it.

"Just another stupid rumor. I know better to believe them over you Harry."

"You sure?"

"Of course. You already told me you hadn't taken anyone else to Ed's. They are just trying to make up another story to put you in a bad light." She says, taking my hand and resting it on her thigh.

I squeeze her hand and focus back on the road. God, I'm a bastard. Why the bloody hell did I lie to her about that? I will tell her the truth, but only when the time is right.

"It's the cafe right here." Ava says, pointing at a small brick building to our right.

I find a spot to park and we head inside, Niall yelling at us the second we step through the door.

"Over here!" He waves from a corner booth.

When we get to the table, Ava slides in next to Niall and I take a seat across from them.

"I woulda ordered more if I knew ya was coming Harry!" He smiles at me.

"More?" I chuckle, "There is enough food on this table to feed a small army."

"Don't judge us, or you can't eat with us." Ava commands, drooling over the waffles sitting in front of her.

The waitress comes to take our drink orders, and they both scoff at me as I order a plate of fruit.

"Harry is all about eating properly. To afraid to put on a couple extra pounds." Niall laughs, patting his belly.

"Well you know, being overweight does snack up on you." I smile.

"Horrible Styles. Truly horrible." Ava shakes her head at me, trying not to laugh as Niall gives me a high five.

They dig in as I wait for my fruit to arrive, and I'm amazed at how much food they are able to consume before they have to stop.

"So Ava," Niall says, sticking another slice of bacon into his mouth, "I talked to Poppy this morning. She said she's been trying to get ahold of you. Told me to tell ya to call her."

"Right, yeah. I've been a bit busy. I'll give her a call as soon as I can." Ava responds, looking down at her lap.

"Alright. So we probably need to push on or we're going to be late for sound check." Niall says, throwing several pounds down on the table, which Ava and I also toss a couple on top of.

Almost Lover (Harry Styles) - Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ