What's wrong Satori?

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"Aw Man last one here again!" Moniko rushes through the door puffed out "How was piano?" Yuki asks "Good," Moniko slumps down into his chair "Very determined,"
"Determined? How?"
"Starting this club and picking up piano,"
"Not determination but passion!"
"Whatever can we get onto the Festival!" Naruki obviously showing his love for the festival "Why the sudden change of heart Naruki?" Moniko asks "I wasn't talking about us! I mean c'mon a full school day where you just eat and play!" I smile "You sound like Satori all of a sudden,"
"Oh and they serve fried squid right Moniko?"
"I uhm,"
"Where is Satori?" Yuki looks around and we see Satori staring down at his desk staring at nothing,
"Hello?" I wave my hand in front of his face "Satori!"
"OH Uhm sorry I was spacing out!" his eyes were red
"Satori are you alright?"
"Yeah don't stop me from you having a good time Y/N Go and talk to the others," I look back at him and walk away.

"What's up?"
"Is Satori alright?"
"I think so, he might just have something in his mind,"
"But he's never like this,"
"If he hasn't told you then I don't think anything's up,"
"True, sorry for brining you into this."
"No I'm friends with him too,"
"Yeah but,"
"I'll go and talk to him."
"Oh and Y/N,"
"Y'know I think Satori likes you, he never stops talking about you Y/N!"
"Really, how do you uhm Moniko?" He was walking away but I had the feeling that I was being watched. Yuki was peeping from the top of his book, "Hey," I sit down next to him "Oh uhm Y/N,"
"Yup that's my name,"
"Are you alright you seem to be deep in thought,"
"Yeah it's just Satori he seems a little down but I don't know why,"
"How nice, you two are a good couple," Yuki choked 
"What no we're just good friends!"
Me and Yuki were in a deep conversation but Monika started the club activities, I smile at Moniko and he smiles back and nods as if he knew that I was going to ask him about Satori.

Looking at Satori, he looked better so I walked up to him and handed him my poem "Wow this is your best one yet!"
"Thanks Satori, really means a lot." He seemed quiet still "Satori you've been quiet and I'm worried, are you alright?" he hesitated 
"Everything is alright I'm fine," He stated but I wasn't fully convinced 
"Okay any way what I said before about my poem is true, I show my poems to everyone but your opinion matters to me the most, I write my poems thinking about you!" Satori looked down at the floor and coughed up some tears "Y/N I don't deserve this, I don't deserve you Y/N." 
"SATORI!" I stared at him "I've never said this before but I don't understand what your trying to tell me?" I grabbed onto his arms, he quickly smiled "It's just- Nothing a little angst I guess. I'm going home I'm not feeling well,"
"Satori!" He strutted out the classroom and didn't turn back.

"What was that all about?" asks Naruki "I don't know?" I quickly pick up the poem and hand it to Naruki, although I should've been listening to Naruki I couldn't stop thinking about Satori. Is that normal? He pushes me a little "Hey Read it!"

Your mind is so full of troubles and fears
That diminished your wonder over the years
But today I have a special place
A beach for us to go.

A shore reaching beyond your sight
A sea that sparkles with brilliant light
The walls in your mind will melt away
Before the sunny glow.

I'll be the beach that washes your worries away
I'll be the beach that you daydream about each day
I'll be the beach that makes your heart leap
In a way you thought had left you long ago.

Let's bury your heavy thoughts in a pile of sand
Bathe in sunbeams and hold my hand
Wash your insecurities in the salty sea
And let me see you shine.

Let's leave your memories in a footprint trail
Set you free in my windy sail
And remember the reasons you're wonderful
When you press your lips to mine.

I'll be the beach that washes your worries away
I'll be the beach that you daydream about each day
I'll be the beach that makes your heart leap
In a way you thought had left you long ago.

But if you let me by your side
Your own beach, your own escape
You'll learn to love yourself again.

Again Naruki went on and I didn't listen same with Yuki and I skimmed through his poem 

A marvel millions of years in the making.

Where the womb of Earth chaotically meets the surface.
Under a clear blue sky, an expanse of bliss -
But beneath gray rolling clouds, an endless enigma.
The easiest world to get lost in
is one where everything can be found.

One can only build a sand castle where the sand is wet.
But where the sand is wet, the tide comes.
Will it gently lick at your foundations until you give in?
Or will a sudden wave send you crashing down in the blink of an eye?
Either way the outcome is the same.
Yet we still build sand castles.

I stand where the foam wraps around my ankles.
Where my toes squish into the sand.
The salty air is therapeutic.
The breeze is gentle, yet powerful.
I sink my toes into the ultimate boundary line, tempted by the foamy tendrils.
Turn back, and I abandon my peace to erode at the shore.
Drift forward, and I return to Earth forevermore.

I am still not listening till I get to Moniko, "hey Y/N have you decided what you are going to write for the festival?" I nod lying "Here my poem,"

An old tale tells of a lady who wanders Earth.
The Lady who Knows Everything.
A beautiful lady who has found every answer,
All meaning,
All purpose,
And all that was ever sought.

And here I am,

a feather

Lost adrift the sky, victim of the currents of the wind.

Day after day, I search.
I search with little hope, knowing legends don't exist.
But when all else has failed me,
When all others have turned away,
The legend is all that remains – the last dim star glimmering in the twilit sky.

Until one day, the wind ceases to blow.
I fall.
And I fall and fall, and fall even more.
Gentle as a feather.
A dry quill, expressionless.

But a hand catches me, between the thumb and forefinger.
The hand of a beautiful lady.
I look at her eyes and find no end to her gaze.

The Lady who Knows Everything knows what I am thinking.
Before I can speak, she responds in a hollow voice.
"I have found every answer, all of which amount to nothing.
There is no meaning.
There is no purpose.
And we seek only the impossible.
I am not your legend.
Your legend does not exist."

And with a breath, she blows me back afloat, and I pick up a gust of wind.

"Moniko's writing tip of the day!" I smile "Writing a poem can be hard so just base it off what you see!" I nod and we go to the middle of the room. It was filled with all the boys talking about Satori and missing him, I tried to join in but held back on talking about him. 
"Anyway Naruki are you alright for making cupcakes?"
"Yes I know my recipe by heart!"
"And Yuki uhm,"
"She can create atmosphere!" We stared at her 
"NO she can help me with baking!"
"What? If I recall you didn't want Y/N helping you out,"
"Whatever Yuki!"
"Guys settle down this is Y/N's choice!"

I stood still "SATORI!" I scream "I want to go with Satori."
"I'm already helping him," Moniko smiles "Pick someone else?"
"I uhm, Yuki!" I sighed "Alright," Yuki smiled
"HEY," I glared at Naruki and he shut up so did Yuki and Moniko. "Alright that's settled, Y/N will go with Yuki."

Me and Yuki exchange contacts and I leave.

Walking home by myself was weird but I managed I stared up and Satori's house wondering if I should walk in. I shake my head and fall asleep instantly knowing that Yuki would be coming to my house on sunday!

(If not already obvious I love the yuri character!(O/O)

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