BaCK AgAIn??

851 20 15

As ever, I'm back in the clubroom greeted by Yuki.
"Hey Yuki!"
"Oh welcome back Y/N!"
I sigh, some of the awkward atmosphere still lingers in the air, I try to ignore it but I think Yuki feels it too. I look around, Naruki is in his corner but surprisingly Moniko isn't here yet.
Before I ask, Yuki pulls my arm and takes me to the corner of the clubroom.

"About yesterday," Yuki still has his hand grabbed on my arm. I didn't try to struggle, Yuki's grip is about as tight as Naruki's personality. (Am I really gonna make that joke? ehe T-T) 
"I.. I'm sorry for yesterday. It's never got that bad before. Something came over me, I never felt it ever!"
"Yuki it's alright. I accept your apology. It's nice of you to be so considerate," Yuki twirled his hair 
"Y/N I..l,"
"Hey have any of you guys seen Moniko?" Naruki interrupts
"No, do you think he's no in today?" 
"Maybe, Have you Yuki?" Yuki is slightly angered from how casually Naruki is addressing him,
"No," He says bluntly
"I can't help but worry about him," Something in Yuki snaps.

"Naruki I am really sorry about what happened, all the thing I said yesterday weren't true!" Naruki raises an eyebrow 
"I uhm,"

Naruki mouth twisted and his eyes went black,
"Mibulls sailcloth blindsight lifeline anan rectipetality faultlessy offered scleromalacia neighed catholicate!" I cowered into Yuki "Anyway Yuki whatever you are apologizing for I accept your apology. It's nice for you say it, I thought you hated my guts or something!" Naruki smiled, thankfully back to normal.
"What, I don't hate you!"
"Ehe I don't hate you either!" Naruki turns to me "I'm still debating on you Y/N!" suddenly the door flings open.

"I'm sorry!" I smile to see Moniko at the door, "I hope you guys weren't waiting for too long!" I shake my head but all eyes fall on Naruki, "I Wasn't! What took you so long anyway?" 
"Y'see My last period was study hall and I kinda lost track of time,"
"You would've heard the bell though,"
"No I was practising piano!"
"Yeah!" Moniko smiles sweetly 
"Well you always were the most musical out of the three of us,"
"Please, I don't need anymore credit than I deserve! I've only been practising for two weeks now!"
"You have got to show us," I say 
"I'm writing a song, but it's not finished yet." I nod but Naruki pushes us out of his corner.

Yuki follows me 
"hey, since your compliment put me in a good mood. Do you to spend some time together?" I shrug
"Yeah sure! I haven't got a chance to read that book you gave me. I've just got to see if Naruki-"
"HE'S FINE, uhm he's fine," Yuki was annoyed "He's reading over there, see?" Naruki was on the floor reading parfait girls almost falling asleep again. "don't think about him so much! she's used to being ignored, COME ON WE ARE GOING OVER THERE!" He drags me to the centre of the room.
"What is the story about anyway? I ask as we stop 
"The portrait of Markov is about a religious camp that was turned into a human experimental prison and the people have this trait that turns them into a killing machine that lust for blood. But the facility gets even worse, and they start selective breeding people by cutting their limbs off and affixing them to," Yuki sighed and stopped 
"Spoiler alert, but I'm really into it. The book!"
"That's a bit-" Dark. Yuki said it like it was a good thing.
"I'm guessing you are not into that sort of stuff are you Y/N?"
"No I am, I can enjoy that kind of stuff," I try to laugh it off but Yuki stays stone faced.
"I hope so." He puts the book down and beckons me to sit down next to him. "It's just that sort of story, the one that gives you a different perspective on life, No?" I nod "BUT BECAUSE THE WORLD IS FULL OF HORRIBLE PEOPLE, AND WERE ALL WORTHLESS ANYWAY!" Yuki had that disoriented voice again and he smiled menacingly. Yuki stopped by looking at my cowering face, "Sorry I'm rambling aren't I? Sorry,"
"Oh no it's alright,"
"Y/N I need to tell you a secret," I raise an eyebrow "Well, I let things like books and writing fill my thoughts, I MY BODY FILLS WITH dddddddddd. Sorry, I ramble. I forget to pay attention to people. Please stop me if I am going on too much,"
"It's alright, don't worry. This is a literature club after all,"
"That's true, I guess."
"Tell you what, I'll read the book tonight and we'll talk about it tomorrow, Okay?"

DDLC X Reader (Male x female)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu