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I head over to Naruki, he looks bored. I hand him my poem he skims through it
"Hmm, this is alright. Not as good as the one from yesterday though! I would be totally pissed if it was though!"
"I wanted to try something different Naruki, You can't blame me for that can you?"
"Fair enough Y/N But you are still a newbie, The others may be having an impact on you. Like, I saw you hanging with Yuki today. UGH whatever just look it over alright!"

I grab Naruki's poem off of him and it read

SSBjYW4gZmVlbCB0aGUgdGVuZGVybmVz cyBvZiBoZXIgc2tpbiB0aHJvdWdoIHRo ZSBrbmlmZSwgYXMgaWYgaXQgd2VyZSBh biBleHRlbnNpb24gb2YgbXkgc2Vuc2Ug b2YgdG91Y2guIE15IGJvZHkgbmVhcmx5 IGNvbnZ1bHNlcy4gVGhlcmUncyBzb21l dGhpbmcgaW5jcmVkaWJseSBmYWludCwg ZGVlcCBkb3duLCB0aGF0IHNjcmVhbXMg dG8gcmVzaXN0IHRoaXMgdW5jb250cm9s bGFibGUgcGxlYXN1cmUuIEJ1dCBJIGNh biBhbHJlYWR5IHRlbGwgdGhhdCBJJ20g YmVpbmcgcHVzaGVkIG92ZXIgdGhlIGVk Z2UuIEkgY2FuJ3QuLi5JIGNhbid0IHN0 b3AgbXlzZWxmLg==

I was confused and looked up at Naruki he seemed pissed
"Y/N, why didn't you come and read with me today! I was waiting for you! I was waiting for a long time, It was the only thing I had to look forward for today! WHY diD yOu RuIn IT? DO you like Yuki more? I think you are better off not associating with him. ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?! Yuki is a sick freak," Naruki's eyes were black again and the disorientated voice was back, "That should be obvious by now, so just play with me instead OKay? You don't hate me do you senpai? DO YOU? DO YOU WANT ME TO FEEL DEPRESSED. THE CLUB IS THE ONLY GOOD THING IN LIFE! DON'T RUIN THAT FOR ME! PLAY WITH ME! YUKI IS WIERD. PLAY WITH ME!"

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