Hello, it's the literature gang!

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Hello! Everyone, this is Moniko! I've risen from the deleted bin and got together the whole gang here to tell you that we will be answering your questions and answers! If you just ask we'll answer as soon as we can!

That's a very good idea Moniko. Maybe we can read books together and we'll eat and drink tea together!

Is that all you do Yuki. The only good thing about this is that more people will want my cupcakes! I'll be making more every day for all of my fans!

Naruki, that's a bit harsh No?

Hmmph, you're not the fan favourite.

Guys, we'll let the fans have the choice of who they want! So, if you want to ask us a question please state who you want to ask and we'll answer!

Thank you and remember.

A little bit of Moniko~

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