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[Nova] so mom told me something interesting

[Bella] uh oh...

[Nova] she told me u got a bf ;)))

[Bella] no no he's not my bf

[Nova] u sure??

[Bella] positive

[Nova] well fine ur no fun
[Nova] whats his name?

[Bella] goodbye

[Nova] fine fine ill just spam u later


[Nova] whens ur bday?

[Jasper] Why?

[Nova] cuz we've been talking for almost a year and yet u have never mentioned ur bday

[Jasper] Oh. Well, it doesn't matter

[Nova] yes it definitely does!

[Jasper] No, I don't really celebrate my birthday.

[Nova] well thats lame pfft

[Jasper] Wow. Feeling the love.

[Nova] :)
[Nova] fine ill just GIVE you a bday

[Jasper] What are you, my new mother?

[Nova] HAH precisely
[Nova] ur new bday is... Sep 14

[Jasper] ...Why September 14th?

[Nova] its easy to remember cause its one day after my own bday

[Jasper] Riiiiight.
[Jasper] Well when Sep 14th comes you can celebrate my birthday. Deal?

[Nova] DEAL

[Jasper] So anyway how've you been?

[Nova] pretty good but apparently my twin has a not-bf

[Jasper] not-bf?

[Nova] a boyfriend she's in denial about

[Jasper] Of course! I should've known. Excuse my incompetence.

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