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[Jasper] Good morning, Nova.
[Jasper] Alice is coming over in about thirty minutes, if that's okay?

[Nova] yeah sounds good
[Nova] wait a second
[Nova] how did u know i just woke up

[Jasper] I heard your breathing and heartbeat change.

[Nova] kinky
[Nova] ok well ignoring the fact u most likely stayed in the forest to listen to me wake up

[Jasper] I'm not trying to be a creep, I promise. I'm trying to adjust to your scent so I'm less likely to hurt you.

[Nova] oh
[Nova] remind me to use that super strong body wash more often
[Nova] do u prefer cinnamon apple or vanilla?

[Jasper] I was more referring to the scent of your blood.

[Nova] oop-
[Nova] wow way to ruin the mood
[Nova] here i was trying to woo u

[Jasper] You always woo me, without even trying.

[Nova] sTOP IT
[Nova] it's not FAIR that i'm a human who blushes way too easily and ur incapable of blushing
[Nova] ok moving on
[Nova] i'm gonna get up and get ready to meet alice so ttyl jazz

[Jasper] Alright, ttyl.


Nova couldn't help feeling anxious over meeting Alice. How could she not be nervous? She had already heard from Bella and Jasper that Alice was kind and generous, but it didn't soothe her nerves. Alice was a vampire, which meant she was likely just as perfect-looking as Jasper. Nova was just... human. Ordinary. She felt inadequate compared to vampires.

The white-haired girl sighed. She attempted squashing down her fears and anxieties. She took one last look at herself in the bathroom mirror. She was dressed in a simple pair of light-colored denim shorts, a black t-shirt, and her black and white sneakers. She already applied deodorant, as well as a spritz of perfume. She even dabbed on some concealer and applied a coat of mascara.

Nova usually wasn't particularly reliant on others' opinions, but this was important to her. Jasper was important to her, which automatically meant his family was important to her as well. Hopefully she wouldn't screw up and make Alice dislike her. Should she tone down the jokes? Or would Alice appreciate them?

Ugh, socialization is hard.

Nova turned away from the mirror and exited the bathroom. She nearly crashed into Bella on the way out, just barely managing to stop herself in time.

"Hey," Bella greeted.

Nova paled as a thought occurred to her. What if Edward heard her spiel of anxious thoughts?

"Please tell me Edweirdo isn't still here," Nova pleaded.

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