Chapter Five

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"We are leaving."

Anastasia lifted her head from her plate. The queen stood before her, yet another ornate own and jewels clinging to her lithe, lavender body. The neckline covered he valley of her chest, offering a more conservative view compared to the norm. Blue eyes trailed the length of the emerald dress, releasing a breath at the high slit exposing a toned thigh.

It was early morning--that much Ana was sure of. "So soon? You haven't had breakfast yet." She motioned to the table, hoping Eris would relent for at least a couple bites.

"Ashtur is expecting. A meal will wait." Her tone left no room for question. She turned on her heels, leaving Ana to trail after her.

The human hurried to meet her--the hem of loose trousers dragging under her feet. One of the servants brought her a few dresses, lacking the intricate designs the queen had, and she had wore them for twelve days until T had noticed her discomfort. He offered her pants and blouses, which she gratefully accepted. It wasn't that she hated dresses-- she was just more comfortable in pants, as they were a part of her everyday uniform in the Demeter Station.

The pair was greeted by a carriage outside. Three, five legged beasts were hooked to the front. They were grey, and their skin resembled velvet. They reminded Ana of a breed of dinosaur.

Both were helped into the carriage and sat beside each other. Eris threw a comment over her shoulder to the coach. Seconds after, Rochet pilled in, opposite of the queen. He bowed his head in greeting and began whispering to the lavender woman in their native tongue.

The brunette understood a quarter of what was being said, but decided not to complain. Instead, she sat back and waited as the carriage began to move. Azure eyes watched as the castle and town disappeared from view, replaced with untamed land. She assumed the ride would be long, which offered time to think.

If Ana were to be honest with herself, she already felt torn. Her heart was at the station--her work and crew had helped mend her back together. She missed their faces, the countless jokes and pranks. Her mind wandered to the most recent prank consisting of a "stunt double" and a little acting.

It was Johnny's, her second in command, birthday, and he had decided he didn't want a party. The crew relented, but Ana had other ideas. With the help of Zuri, the young woman she was training at the time, they dressed in their suits. Ana tethered her outside of the station and called everyone around, giving the excuse that Zuri was in the bathroom. Zuri then pounded against the door, pretending to be Ana, and claiming something was out their with her. The crew was confused, and Anastasia used it to her advantage. She pleaded with them, trying to convince her team that she was the real one. They panicked a little, and just as Johnny was ready to call down to home base, they broke the charade. Anastasia wouldn't trade her experiences with her team for anything in the world, and despite the part of her that told her she needed to go back, she was hesitant.

There was something about this planet that drew her in. She blamed it on curiosity and culture differences, but knew it wasn't as simple as that. She had taken a liking to the queen, and it seemed as if it was returned. The aliens within the palace walls were always kind, and courteous, and the few she had met on walks in the town with Eris were the same. T had become a confidante--she taught him some English words while she vented. Even Rochet was a little more than tolerable to be around once his macho shell broke.

Despite wanting to remain on the planet, Ana knew in her gut that she had a responsibility to her crew and country—she'd have to return to the space station. It comforted and destroyed her heart in the same manner.

"Ana," Eris called, her hand reaching out to touch the human's. "We arrive soon. There are rules. You must follow Rochet; do as he do. You do not speak. If Ashtur speaks of you, I speak. It is Ashtur's custom."

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