Chapter Nine

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King Ashtur's arrival was announced with horns and banners, his carriage parading through the city while another carriage followed behind, overflowing with goods. He dispersed them among the people with dramatic, but good hearted, flare, asking nothing in return other than their regard for Eris as the sovereign leader of the country. A feast was set, in which the majority of the kingdom was invited, celebrating his presence and, ultimately, Anastasia's departure.

The kingdom had become accustomed to the human's presence, greeting her when she roamed the villages with Eris, inviting her to cultural gatherings, and bestowing traditional, hand-woven garments. Gone was the simple fascination over the foreigner, and now was replaced with something akin to acceptance. There was now a spot in Ana's heart filled with the queen and her kingdom.

The organ ached in bittersweet agony, tethered to the station and crew awaiting her arrival and the planet housing her.

"Ellis," the violet man called out, standing from his seat with flute in hand.

Ana's eyes moved to Ashtur, cheeks blushing. Slender fingers belonging to Eris caressed the top of her hand as the royal began his speech, the native tongue filling the room, as it was custom that the visiting monarch initiate the toast

"You are unlike our people in many ways, but that is not you. You speak with wisdom and kindness. You respect our culture, and took time to learn our language." Those sitting at the table began tapping their cutlery against the trays, clanging metal filling the otherwise quiet room. "We have enjoyed your presence. I am grateful to call you a friend."

The clattering reached its pinochle, now an orchestra of agreement. Ana beamed, verdant eyes gleaming with gratitude.

Eris rose from her chair as well, lifting her glass with Ashtur. "You will always have a home with us, Ana."

If her cheeks weren't already red, they were certainly burning, humbly embarrassed by the queen. She grabbed the glass in front of her and nodded to Eris and Ashtur before bringing the rim to her lips and swallowing sweet nectar.

The feast proceeded, and the royals took their seats, conversation and fellowship engulfing the room. Anastasia laughed heartily with her newfound family, carefree and easy, pushing thoughts of her departure to the back of her brain. For now, she would enjoy the simplicity, and study Eris' mannerisms with fondness, trapping them in the crevices of her mind for future reminiscing.

A solitary, lavender hand laid claim to a trouser clad thigh while the queen spoke with the guests near her, a constant reminder for the human that the boundary between friends and something more was crossed. She ignored it to the best of her abilities, conversing with Ashtur's daughter as a means to maintain control.

Merriment and glee continued, despite the appearance of T, whom was assigned to guarding the gates. Ana watched as he hurried to the queen, whispering in her ear and bowing prior to his departure. Eris' demeanor changed, face stoic and lips straight. Ever polite, she excused herself and stepped away, unaware of the blue eyes watching her depart. Never one to stay behind, the brunette followed protocol and excused herself as well, hurrying after the fast-paced queen.

She caught up with Eris, watching the situation unfold before her. T and the other man stationed frantically retold the events—a foreign object landed in the village nearby, similar to the starship Ana arrived in. They were unsure if anyone occupies the vessel.

Gold eyes caught azure, confusion in both sets. Ana's heart threatened to beat from her chest, lungs heaving and uncertainty filling her head.

"Stay here," The monarch demanded, beginning her departure to the village with a parade of soldiers behind her.

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