Chapter Eight

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Soft hands cradled an overworked head. Anastasia had already spent three hours studying, writing, and taking in everything she could about the language and how to speed up repairs. The part was due in two weeks, at least to her knowledge, and all further progress was at a standstill without it. The absence of that distraction forced Ana to find another, the only reason she took to learning.

Eris continued to avoid her. If she wasn't, their conversations were short and to the point. Nothing personal was exchanged, and it hurt and confused the astronaut.

Eris was her friend, at least that's what she believed her to be. They were friendly, shared their interests and difficulties. There were hours spent between them in either the queen's bedroom or the gardens. At the dining table, they whispered about the other residents--Anastasia's only insight to who the people she lived with truly are.

There was very little evidence to convince the brunette that they were anything but friends.

The only inkling that worried the woman were the comments made by Rochet and Ashtur. Rochet obviously believed that Ana was poisonous and sought the queen's riches and Ashtur asked if she would stay. The inquiry was odd, but it had to have some sort of meaning to it or the king wouldn't have asked. Perhaps the royal believed that she would stay out of duty for Eris saving her life. For that, Ana would be forever grateful with no ability to repay such a deed, but she couldn't abandon her crew. As much as she desires to stay, they were family, and they were waiting for her return.

"One more," Tylishemi urged.

Ana lifted her head, eyeing the man and then the ink and parchment. She had written the same paragraphs four times already, spoken the allowed, and verbally translated them to English. Tedious tasks were not welcomed, especially with limited patience and mental exhaustion.

Like a child, the paper was pushed further away. "I'm done."

"Queen Eris wishes you learn."

As if it made any difference to Ana. "I said, I'm done. I need a break."

The young man shook his head, snatching the paper and setting it to the side.

He crossed his arms, eyes narrowing at the brunette. She tried to shrug off the third degree, but found it difficult under such scrutiny.

"What is wrong to you?"

"Nothing." Defensive to a fault, Anastasia rolls her eyes.


"I'm not."

"You do." His voice was filled with concern, enough to break the commander's resolve. "We can talk."

Ana dropped her shoulders, leaning her head in her palm. "She's avoiding me. I don't know what I did, or didn't do, and she won't even tell me."

"Majesty is different," T admitted, sitting beside her. "But you have to know why she acts."

Pale hands slammed against the table. "I don't!"

The red man stood, hands up in surrender, "You talk with her," and walked out.

Anastasia sat in silence, waiting for something to happen, and scouring her brain. Her memory played their encounter post Rochet's bloody nose, trying to remember everything that was said.

Eris had visibly deflated when Ana emphasized that they were friends, and it didn't seem like she was relieved. Golden eyes were tinted with remorse, and plump lips drawn into a frown. It was as if a thin veil of sadness washed over the queen.

The prospect of being friends saddened her.

Anastasia stood from her seat, hands trembling. The only logical explanation for Eris' actions was that she felt rejected. And she asked herself if she truly did reject the woman. Ana liked her, and fancied the prospect of having a relationship with her, but she questioned if it was even plausible. They certainly wouldn't last with such distances and differences between them. Royal duties were stacked on lavender shoulders while interstellar discoveries adorned flesh colored.

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