Chapter Six

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When the chime for the meal rang, Ana and Ashtur proceeded to the dining hall, not surprised to see Eris and Rochet already seated. Two others, a woman and young girl, were also gathered, seated beside the head chair.

The woman's skin was as dark as the king's, and the girl's was a soft lilac. Both of their hair was coiled up and wrapped in pink fabric. They were dressed identically in grey gowns with a black, jeweled neckline. It was safe to assume that they were the wife and daughter to the king, as the girl shared resemblance to both of them.

Eris stood from her seat upon their entry, grabbing Ana's hand and politely whisking her into the hallway. The brunette couldn't help but wonder what was so urgent that it could not wait until after the meal. She was starving!

"You say what?" She questioned, gold eyes trained on blue. "What happened?"

Anastasia smiled at the concern. "We talked. He asked me about my crew, and how I ran things in the space station. He's a very kind man."

"With many motives," Eris added.

"He was very honest with me, from what I could tell," the human explained. "Just like I was honest with him."

The queen didn't press any further. "Is he give the part?"

"Yes, but with one condition--I have to tell him if I choose to stay here."

Ana watched at the queen started pacing, her gown swishing as she moved. She was speaking to herself, and the sight confused the brunette. Both Eris and Ashtur were behaving strangely, especially when Ana's departure was concerned.

"Eris," Anastasia tried, catching her wrist mid-swing. "Calm down."

Lavender legs stopped. The queen gave her human one last look before turning back to the dining room, leaving Ana to follow.

They took their seats and the meal began, red women and men delivering trays of fruits and meats similar to what was served back in Eris' kingdom. Ana was grateful for that, already knowing that she loved everything on the table and not having to worry about seeming ungrateful.

Light conversation spread. Anastasia was formally introduced to the queen and princess, and was taught more about the culture. Their skin colors indicated their social class, but all had the opportunity to go against the grain, except the royals. Royalty was indicated by the lavender skin, and more "common folk" ranged in reds and greens. The darker their skin, as well as the more black spots, the older the creature was. The only different thing was that they were not born with their colors. They were born a pure white, and over the course of the first two years, their color would begin to change. It was an entirely random process, all dealing with what color skin their ancestors had. It was different, but Ana found herself more and more intrigued by the race she was surrounded with.

Once the meal was finished, Ashtur bid them farewell, promised the part would be delivered by morning, and they entered the carriage the same way they left it. No words were spoken on the majority of the way back. Rochet finally spoke up when the city was within view.

"You never should spoke. You are disgrace to our kingdom," he hissed.

"He spoke to me," Ana rebutted. "He wanted me to, so I did."

"And you are fool. You do not know our tongue, yet use it."

"I didn't think he knew English--"

"Enough," Eris blurted in frustration. "You are both fools. Ana, you disobey me, but I do not deal with it now. Rochet, you have known better. I corrected her tongue, you do not correct her now."

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