Chapter Fourteen

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Sleep came in spurts through the night, nervousness lighting up every nerve receptor in the brunette's brain. She tossed and turned, and woke unrested. If it were any other day, she was sure her mood would be as sour as expired milk, but the excitement flowing in her bloodstream was enough to keep her focused.

She packed what little personal belongings she had, strapped the tote to her cot, and joined the crew for breakfast. Upon her arrival, Jackson announced Iliza's promotion. A chorus of excitement broke out, the meal forgotten for the time being. The brunette watched as the crew congratulated the new commander, her hearr filled yet aching. It was a good aching, almost healthy, but in a way she couldn't quite explain. Celebrating with them, Ana lifted her breakfast bar, eliciting a toast of sorts.

But a somber tone fell over the station as Zuri asked, "What's Commander Ellis going to do?"

Much like the toast, Ana stood with a small smile and declared her resignation and return to Utania. The overall response was surprisingly supportive with the others embracing the brunette. Iliza held her the longest. The only one that hadn't was Johnny.

Johnny stormed out of the room without so much as a glance at the former commander and crew. She almost expected this though--the ginger was outraged, and understandably so. A year into his training, he had confided in her about his turbulent relationship with his deadbeat mother. On a whim, his mother would leave, leaving him alone with his struggling father. When it was convenient for her, she would come home, lie about staying, and leave once she got what she wanted from the family: money, usually. Her presence was spurratic and Johnny lived a life of uncertainty and instability. His mother started a vicious cycle that broke the young man and mended him with trust and abandonment issues.

Blue eyes met weary, hazel, begging Jackson to let her follow. "Go on," Jackson agreed, "Iliza, Zuri, get the Protagonist ready--you two will escort Ana back."

The astronaut didn't wait for their responses, hustling out of the dining area and to the deck. She had a feeling Johnny would be looking out, and was not disappointed when she saw him in front of the transparent material.

"I know you're upset," she appeased, voice low and calm as she slipped beside him and took in the vast galaxy. "I'm not leaving to hurt you."

Thin lips opened to release a heavy sigh and his freckled face visibly loosened. "Yeah, yeah--I know. I'm probably overreacting, but I'm gonna miss you, you're... like my big sister."

Anastasia reached out and wrapped an arm over his shoulder, pulling the younger astronaut close. "You can always visit, and I'll try my best to keep in touch. I'll be gone, yeah, but we'll still be family. That'll never change."

There was nothing else that needed said. Both, despite the twinge of pain they felt, were almost content with the future despite the uncertainty. Ana was sure that her crew would be okay, even Johnny, and with the help of one another, they would be happy and successful.

Ginger and brunette walked side by side, gathering her tote. Johnny chaperoned his former superior to the loading dock, and embraced her one more time before he walked away, tears springing in his eyes.

Zuri and Iliza were suited up and waiting for Ana with broad smiles. She greeted them with one of her own, grabbing her own suit and slipping it on over a black henley and insulated pants. Her helmet was twisted and snapped into place for the last time, completing her dressing and signifying the end of this journey. Once again, she smiled at her girls, pride washing over olive skin. They had achieved so much--and again, she was certain they would achieve so much more.

With solemn smiles, the trio walked through the tunnel and to the Protagonist, the entry way sealing shut behind them. Metal stairs emerged from the familiar craft with a loud rush of air. Heavy boots clanked up and each woman took their respected seats. Ana was about to strap herself in until an idea popped in her head.

She got up and stood behind the blonde, motioning for her to get up. "It's only fair that I get to experience your first expedition as commander," she offered, a shit-eating grin plastered on pale lips.

Giddy as can be, Iliza sprung up with a smile on her face wider than the brunette had ever witnessed. She took the seat with confidence, situating herself before declaring in a bold, commanding voice, "Where to, Annie?"

Blue eyes narrowed, eyebrows raised in amusement. Ana had to stifle the laugh ready to fall off of her lips.

"Too much?" Iliza smiled sheepishly, the commanding tone now absent.

"Only a little," the brunette chuckled. "We have one stop to make before I go back to Eris."

Slender fingers typed in the coordinates, set the thrusters, and started the engine. Slowly, the space craft began to move, roaring as soon as Iliza made the call and cruising through space.

It wasn't long before they were cruising, laughing as the worked. They reminisced mainly, but Ana allowed questions about her queen. Being the people they are, she wasn't surprised when they asked if she'd had sex with the alien, only to be disappointed. To be honest, Anastasia wasn't even sure how sex worked with them, and she hadn't had time to focus on it while she was there.

By the time the women were satisfied by their twenty questions, Utania was in their line of sight. It was the first time Ana had truly witnessed it, and her heart quickened. The celestial body was magnificent; violet in color with hues of red. Satin rings, four in total, sat gloriously around the middle, glowing in vertical wonder. The various landmarks were easy to point out, dull in comparison to the planet, but there nonetheless. Anastasia could pick out the land ruled by Ashtur and Eris, as well as another neighboring kingdom, to which she couldn't remember it's name.

The space craft neared Ashtur's land. Zuri and Ana adjusted the thrusters while the blonde commander oversaw, still giddy about her promotion. Utania's gravity beckoned them closer, shaking and pulling the metal to its land, but the trio maintained control with their backs against their seats and chins titled up.

Ana took in a shaky breath, excited and nervous, mentally ready to puke at any time. She knew the queen would be mad that she hadn't come home first, but the brunette was a woman of her word—she had to tell the Ashtur of her return.

Sometimes she hated her code of honor.

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