Chapter 21: The growing tension

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Ashley's POV

"Happy birthday my annoying but dear sister" I literally shouted over the phone as Kevin who was lying beside me on the bed covered his ears with the pillow annoyed by my midnight screaming.

I chuckled a little seeing his face, now I can say that I have perfectly ruined his sleep but what can I do it's Kelly's birthday and I had to wish her in the midnight so sorry but not sorry for the inconvenience caused.

"Yeah I'll be there tomorrow bye good night" I said hanging up and as soon as I turned around after keeping my phone on the nightstand I was surprised by Kevin who was leaning down on me.

Wait let me add...too close.

"Kevin w-what are you doing" I asked in a whisper placing my hands against his chest with the intention to push him back lightly but failed as my eyes met his blue ones.


His eyes are so pretty.

Ugh I shouldn't be thinking all this, I have to stop.

"Kevin it's too late we should probably sleep now I'm tired" I said trying to look away from his handsome face but it seems difficult as if my eyes are glued on his gorgeous features.

God! Is it just me or is it really the first time that I have ever noticed how amazingly good his looks are. How come I never saw that before.

Of course I know that he is handsome and also how girls would throw themselves at him...but I never saw him in that way before.

Or is it just my pregnancy hormones that are making me see my childhood friend in a different way.

Damn you stupid hormones!

"I'm just trying to ruin your sleep like you did with mine and I know after my next action your over thinking self will keep you up all night thinking what happened" he finally spoke but his words left me confused.

And as I was about to ask what he meant, he sealed my lips with his making me feel some kinda funny and weird things in my stomach as my eyes widen with surprise and out of reflex action...ugh whatever I just don't know what came over me as I couldn't help but kiss him back.

Shivers ran down my spine as his lips moved against mine in a dangerously slow motion, it was almost as if he was just trying to tease and somehow torture me with his slow kiss but after a moment he pulled away resting his forehead against mine when things were getting more intense and looked at a surprised or rather shocked and panting me.

What the hell just happened.

"Now have a good night wifey" he said smirking while winking at me before going back to his side leaving me totally surprised but not only by what he did but also by what I did.

Oh. My. God!

I kissed Kevin Diaz!

I actually kissed him back no no no I wasn't supposed to do that.


What was I even thinking at that time, I thought resting my head on my hands which were resting on my knees.

However my mind is trying to prove that it was wrong but in that little moment it didn't feel wrong at was just me and him in that little moment.

"Just me and him" I whispered to myself as if testing the words while my fingers touched my now swollen lips on their own accord.

I shivered once again as I recalled his warm breath on them...his sexy signature smirk against them.

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