Chapter 50: Coming Home

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Ashley's POV

"What's going on with you..." Hearing a familiar voice I turned to the source only to see Kelly standing by my room's door with a confused look.

"What's wrong? You don't look in a good shape" She added walking towards me.

"No. Nothing is wrong. Everything's fine..." I trailed off not believing my own words that everything was alright.

"Oh so is that why you look like you have been crying for like an eternity" She said sarcastically.

"Kelly I don't wanna talk about it" I replied.

"Anyways, what are you doing here" I asked wiping my tears away with the back of my hand as I smiled at her...trying to make her believe that everything was really fine.

"Oh Kevin called me yesterday asking me if I had Melina's cell number, which I did have since we went to the same college and she was my friend's, friend's, friend...but that still doesn't explains why I kept her number in my phone..." She paused making a face which made her look kinda funny and if the situation wasn't so serious right now I would have laughed at her.

"But after sending it to Kevin, I finally deleted it" She continued with a grin.

"Oh my god! What a terrible sister and friend I am, you seem to be so upset and here I'm blabbering nonsense" She added sitting beside me as I just shook my head at her indicating that it's totally okay.

"I don't understand why Kevin would ask for her number and I wanted to call you yesterday itself to tell you about all this but then I thought that it might upset you so I dropped the idea but now I just couldn't wait so that is why I came here to see if you are okay" She said.

"So are you okay" She asked taking my hand in hers.

"Kelly I..." I trailed off knowing that I would break down again if I talked about whatever happened today.

"Actually no I'm not okay" I added a moment later feeling hot tears pooling my eyes.

"What's wrong Ashley. Tell me" She asked concerned as I told her everything that happened between me and Kevin since the night we had a fight and what I found out today.

"Oh Ashley so this was the reason why you left all of us...why you left Kevin" She said as I nodded with tears slipping down my eyes.

"And today you found out that Kevin never did anything that you believed he did to you" She added and the look on her face told me that she wanted to say something but was holding back.

"I know you must be thinking that what a terrible wife I am...and to be honest that's right. I couldn't be a good wife and neither a good friend. It's all my fault Kelly" I replied looking down at my fingers with a blurred vision.

"No Ashley that's not what I was thinking, in fact I believe that whatever happened between both of you was really unfair because it's not only Kevin who suffered, you went through a lot too...Kevin at least had all of us but you, you were all alone...away from family thinking that the person you love the most, betrayed you and I can't even image how that thought alone might have hurt you but in spite of all this you had to stay strong for your baby and you did that just perfectly" She said.

"And you never stopped loving Kevin even when you believed that he was a cheat and how he played with your no I don't think that all this makes you a terrible or selfish wife or friend, rather I think it makes you are a really strong woman Ashley" She added giving me a genuine smile.

"And what can I say about Kevin that you don't already know...he's simply...a great guy and an amazing lover. Trust me he loves you like a crazy person and you are just so lucky to have him...and he is lucky too because he has found an amazing friend, lover, wife all in one" She said as her words about Kevin brought a genuine smile on my lips.

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