16 → Strawberry Swing

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"Magneto doesn't know that Pietro and Wanda are his children?" Dia signed

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"Magneto doesn't know that Pietro and Wanda are his children?" Dia signed.

"And they don't know that he's their father?" Rhys questioned.

"We should get some cameras and record their magical family reunion" Wade smiled.

"And what, air it on Lifetime?" Dia sarcastically asked.

"I was thinking Hallmark, but sure, that can work too" Wade nodded.

"Look, if Magneto finds out and decides to pay the Avengers a visit, I don't think he'll be very friendly" Storm told the young woman.

"And your fork threatening won't do anything to help" Logan commented before taking a swing of his beer.

"It will if I make it a wooden fork" 

Dia groaned loudly when she moved her head the slightest. Pain shot through her head and it began to throb. She brought a groggy arm to her head and stirred in bed as she slowly began to wake up. She dared herself to open her eyes and when she did, she groaned when she was blinded by the light, she immediately shut them.

Dia moaned and tried to turn to her left in her bed but she felt something by her legs. Her first thought was Biscuit. He would sometimes jump on her bed and lay down right in the middle of the bed. Dia would complain, questioning why he would do that and not just take a side, but when it came to actually moving him, she felt horrible about the thought of waking him up so he can move. She'd rather sleep uncomfortably than wake up her sleeping dog.

But as Dia moved her legs, she had the suspicion that Biscuit isn't on the bed with her.

"Stop kicking me" Rhys groaned from the end of the bed.

Rhys? What the hell?

"Turn off the sun!" Rhys moaned as he rolled over and placed a pillow over his head.

Dia slowly opened her eyes and her vision was blurry. She blinked and rubbed her eyes and once her vision was clear, she looked down and saw her best friend laying in her bed, his head at the end of the bed while his feet are at the head of the bed. Dia noticed that Rhys is wearing the same clothes from last night and she looked down at her body to see that she's also wearing the same clothes from last night.

"I. Hear. Everything." Rhys mumbled from underneath the pillow. Dia only groaned in response "my head hurts"

Dia hummed in agreement and then rubbed her neck when she felt how stuff it is.

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