47 → Filthy/Gorgeous

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After the slightly disastrous skating lessons in the mirror dimension, Dia and Bucky are back in the real world with their shoes on their feet and their skates on a table reserved just for them, the Avengers

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After the slightly disastrous skating lessons in the mirror dimension, Dia and Bucky are back in the real world with their shoes on their feet and their skates on a table reserved just for them, the Avengers. The rest of the team is scattered through the building. Some are roller skating, others are at the concession stand buying food and drinks, or the arcade area, Steve and Thor are talking with some kids. They're all in separate parts of the building doing their own thing.

Bucky and Dia are walking through the arcade section eyeing all the games. Some are classic arcade games and pinball machines, but other games are newer, bigger, brighter, louder. They were all given a card with credits so they can play the games. Children and adults alike played games with the same enthusiasm. Dia would occasionally gasp when she spotted a game, commenting how she used to play it when she was a kid or how she would play with her brother and chaos would ensue, especially with a specific game that was stacking blocks and if you win you would have a try at the mechanical claw to win a stuffed toy. It was unlimited tries until they got something. One time Dia got two toys in one try and her brother was grumpy for the rest of the day.

"Is there a game you want to play?" Dia reached for Bucky's hand and began to play with his fingers.

"Uh, I don't know. I mean I recognize some of these games, and there are a few of these back at the compound. But most of them" Bucky's eyes landed on a large game called Speed of Light. He started at the blinking blue lights, all the buttons, the platform, and the red flashing numbers at the top showing the score of the last person that played. "I don't recognize"

Dia's face lit up when she saw the game. "I love this game I didn't know they have it here!"

"What is it?" He curiously asked.

"You hit the lit buttons as fast as possible. And if you get a score of 999 then you win 400 tickets"

Dia felt her hair tickle her face when a rush of wind came beside her. She turned her head and saw Pietro standing next to her sipping a blue slurpee. "Hit the lit buttons as fast as possible, huh? Wanna play?" He turned to look a Dia with a smile.

Dia's puzzled. Ever since he and Wanda found out that Dia and Rhys knew that their biological father is Magneto, they haven't really been friendly with them. There were times where they did talk to them but it wasn't in a friendly tone. And since Dia and Pietro are room neighbors, the encounters in the hallway we're awkward to say the least. Rhys told Dia about the Maximoff's joining the Avengers when he practiced his teaching on them, he took it as a good sign but he could feel the awkwardness in the air, the slight tension.

"Dia? Wanna play with me?" Pietro repeated, the smile never leaving his face.


"Look, I know I haven't been a good friend since-"

"Since Charles pulled you and Wanda to his office and told you who your dad is" Dia interrupted Pietro.

He chuckled lightly and nodded. "Yeah. And then you didn't go to the school as much after Wanda and I started to spend time there"

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