23 → O "Fly On"

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"Logan, I swear to god, if you don't stop taking my things–"

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"Logan, I swear to god, if you don't stop taking my things–"

"I don't like your tone, Scott" Logan said from the couch he sat on and watched tv.

"Stop taking my things!" Scott Summers yelled at Logan from the door.

"I didn't touch your shit!"

"Hey, come on, we're in a school" Rhys told Logan from the kitchen. 

Spending so much time with the Avengers can be tiresome. Dia wanted to take a break from them and their drama and hang out with people she's known for a much longer time. She's familiar with their drama and they're basically her second family.

Dia just wants to be in a familiar place for a while.

"Fine. I didn't touch your manure" Logan told Scott.

Rhys snorted while Dia, who is eating watermelon with a spoon, giggled. Scott clenched his jaw.

"What are you two arguing about now?" Bobby Drake asked both men as he entered the kitchen.

"Look, you're drawing in a crowd" Logan extended an arm at Bobby "Aren't you ashamed, Scott?"

"Give me back my things!" Scott ignored Logan's comment.

"I don't know what you think I have but I don't have it!"

"If that doesn't clear things up, I don't know what will" Rhys told the two people standing next to him. They nodded and Bobby grabbed a spoon to eat watermelon like Dia.

Scott was about to yell at Logan once more, when suddenly a black jacket flew across the room and landed right on Scott's face.

"I can hear you from my room! And it wasn't Logan who took your jacket, it was Rhys!" A female voice was heard from the hallway.

"See? I told you I didn't do it" Logan smirked.

Scott took the jacket and turned to Rhys. The young man could feel the glare through Scott's glasses.

"In my defense" Rhys began "you weren't suppose to know I had it. Wait, the jacket was in my room. How'd she– Ellie, I told you to stay out of my room!" He shouted.

"She's gone" Logan leaned forward and looked out the open door.

Rhys muttered under his breath as he stormed out of the kitchen in search of Ellie. I wonder if he'll tell her about the gang? Dia thought.

"She's going to blast him out of here" Bobby commented.

"He will be missed" Dia typed in her phone.

"Not really" Scott mumbled "and Dia, get your man under control!" He told the young woman with a smile before quickly walking out when he saw a spoon flying his direction.

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