38 → The Goonies 'R' Good Enough

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Dear Jonathan,

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Dear Jonathan,

  When Rhys was 17 he found out he can do things most people can't do. He didn't know what was happening to him but he kept it a secret. He would try to understand what he can do and practiced in secret. A year later, when he was 18, he found out he's a mutant. He went back and forth debating with himself if he should tell his parents and wondering how they would react. When he came to a decision, I offered to be there with him.

Not sure if my presence there made any difference but I was there for Rhys.

When he told his parents they were shocked at first, then Rhys showed them something he can do. He made Iron Man's gauntlet appear around his hand, it was the outline of it and it was in a light blue glow. When he made it disappear, his parents weren't sure how to react. Rhys could do more than Iron Man's gauntlet but he didn't want to scare his parents.

Then his mom actually asked him "have you tried not being a mutant?"

Well, by the way I reacted you would assume she directly asked me "have you tried not being bisexual?" I completely flipped and Rhys tried to calm me down. I mean why would Mrs. Huxton ask her own son a question like that?

They said that being like that isn't "normal" that it's "freaky" and "unnatural" What the fuck does "normal" mean? I probably would've gone off on them but I had to keep myself calm.

Rhosyn came to the living room where we were talking. She was spying on us and was curious about what Rhys can do. I'll always remember how she walked up to Rhys with a curious look on her face and before she could get closer to him, Mrs. Huxton pulled Rhosyn away from Rhys. She acted like Rhys was contagious and was keeping Rhosyn away from him so she wouldn't catch what he has.

The look of hurt on his face was heartbreaking. There was nothing wrong with Rhys- there still is nothing wrong, but Mrs. Huxton didn't see it that way and neither did Mr. Huxton. Rhosyn didn't understand why their parents were acting that way, but all they said was that they don't want her to "catch it"

Yes, because mutants can spread the X-Gene by the simple act of touching hands. NO! It's in their genes, just as their eye color or the texture of their hair!

Things didn't go well after that. Rhys got into an argument with his parents, Rhoysn got scared and hid in her room to cry. I was just sitting there trying to understand out how it got so heated so fast. Rhys got so worked up his mutation was acting up. The gauntlet appeared, he accidentally blasted a hole in the wall and that was all his parents needed to determine that Rhys shouldn't be there with them or his little sister.

They kicked him out of the house, practically disowned him on the spot. I suppose they tried to show their kindness when they let Rhys pack his things and leave. Rhosyn didn't want him to leave, she ran to him, hugged him and begged him not to go. Their parents pulled her off Rhys and kept her away from him. It was horrible.

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