24 → Ob-La-Di

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"I'm dying

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"I'm dying. Oh, I'm dying!" Tony moaned and coughed.

"Stop being so dramatic" Bruce shook his head.

"Its in my mouth! I can taste it! I'm dying!" Tony continued to moan "I've been poisoned!"

"You stood behind Dia when she sprayed sunscreen. It's your own fault" Natasha told the billionaire who is gripping the edge of the couch, smacking his mouth trying to get rid of the taste.

"I was just walking by, when she viciously attacked me!" Dia giggled at that "its not funny!" Tony glared at the woman. She giggled more.

The zoo trip finally arrived. Everyone woke up early, had their breakfast, got dressed and ready for a day at the zoo. All the Avengers are going, as are the Castillo twins, Joshua and Rhys. They're ready to have fun, they're ready to see animals, they're ready to complain when they're tired and hungry but they're not ready for the hot day.

"People, make sure you put sunscreen on! We don't want any tears because of sunburns later!" Rhodes reminded the group as he walked up and down the hallway where all the rooms are located at.

Pietro had yelled out that he doesn't have sunscreen and a minute later multiple bottles of sunscreen were thrown at him.

"Alright gang, let's go!" Luis yelled as he walked out of the kitchen holding a backpack "I have the tortas de jamón ready, I also have some chips, and grapes because you know you have to eat fruit"

"Why are you packing food? They sell food at the zoo" Sam told Luis. Both Luis and Dia stared at Sam as if he were an idiot.

"Do you know how expensive that food is?" Luis began.

"What if you don't finish it? You don't just throw away sixteen dollar chicken tenders" Dia continued.

"What if you get hungry later? Spend another sixteen dollars on a slice of pizza?" Luis carried on.

"You pack your food and with the money you didn't spend, you can buy yourself something nice" Dia finished.

Sam was quiet, he didn't have anything to say after the cousins made their point. The rest of the group also stood in silence and were impressed.

"And carry your own water bottles!" Luis yelled out before walking away.

"Are they always this efficient?" Bucky questioned, referring about Luis and Dia having lunch packed and ready.

"Oh yeah" Scott nodded "Pablo and Isaura will probably also have food packed. Don't worry, you won't starve"

"Come on people, let's go! We're taking two cars!" Tony yelled out.

"Two cars? We're going to need more than two cars" Wanda told the billionaire.

"This is so out of my style, but we're taking minivans" Tony informed "enough space for everyone here"

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