*Chapter 1*

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First published: June 15th 2018 
Last edited: 1st March 2022

Chapter one. Words: 3771

Y/N was a human. As human as possible. She was born in Detroit in the year of 2012 when the world was new to the world of artificial intelligence. People would scoff at the idea of AI, also known as 'Artificial Intelligence'. 

'It would never be possible' The people cried out but, in 2018 a man named Elijah Kamski, founded a company called Cyberlife with the promise he would create the perfect android with the use of Thirium 310 and he followed his promise. Within 4 years he created the first android to pass the Turing test. Her name was Chloe. 

That happened in 2022 when Y/N was 10 years old. Old enough to remember the old world but young enough to embrace the new one. She had lived in a world without androids and now she was living in a world where they were everywhere. 

Alongside the creation of the androids also came a new type of drug. It too was made of Thirium. Its name was red ice. This naturally led the people to blame the creation of androids on the epidemic of the drug. For those who took the drug succumbed to its violent side effects. People failed to realize it was a correlation... not a causation. 

The more androids that were created and distributed the more people became addicts. But it wasn't the android's fault that humans created the drug. One such addict was Y/N's father. He had lost his job because an android was created to do it better. He was angry at the world and even angrier at the androids. The first time he hurt Y/N was when she thanked an android. Y/N could still remember it now. 

"Here is what you asked for miss," Jeremy said to her. His name was forever engraved in her mind. Thinking back, she couldn't remember her friend's name. But Jeremy would be burned into her memory forever. She would always remember her 'mistake'. Jeremy was an android and it angered her father that she didn't treat him as such. Y/N was at a birthday party and Jeremy had passed her a piece of cake. She had been taught at a young age to always use her 'please and thank you's'. 
"Thank you, Jeremy." Y/N said to the android. She was only 12 years old. She thought her father would be proud to be using her manners. But she was wrong. Y/N's father was sat in the corner of the room. The shell of the man he used to be. His face paled. He felt physically sick. Without a word, he stood up and with three large strides was next to his daughter. He smacked the cake from her hand and grabbed her wrist. The other parents looked on with horror as the young child was dragged from the room, tears running down her face. Y/N tried to pull away from her father.

He was so embarrassed. How could his daughter do that to him? In front of all those people. He could only imagine the gossip. People would think he had a sympathizer for a daughter. She was an embarrassment. Little did he know. It was the parents who thought he was the embarrassment. Treating a child like that.

"Dad! Please! You're hurting me!" She cried out, her wrist was red raw. He didn't answer. The walk to their own home was only a few minutes away. The silence only fueled his anger and her ever-growing anxiety. What was he going to do?

Once the door to their house was closed and they were inside, not that it made a difference. The neighbors heard him shouting anyway. He shouted. He screamed. His pale face was suddenly red. His blood looked like it was literally boiling under his skin. 
"How dare you say thank you to that thing!" Y/N's eyes were watering. Tears flooded her face. 
"But Daddy! You and Mommy always said I had to say my 'please and thank you's'." 
"I'm glad your mother isn't alive to see this! She would be disappointed in you. Just as I am!" He lent in close to her face. "That thing is just that. It is a thing. It's because of things like that, we have to wear second-hand clothes! That sometimes we have no food on the table! You treat that with respect?" 
"But... but..." she stammered. Her breath was caught in her throat. Tears stopped her words from forming. "It wasn't Jeremy who took your job." She didn't see his face contort. Somehow he got madder and that is when he hit her. It hurt. It hurt like hell. It was the first time he had ever hit her but, it certainly wasn't the last time. 

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