*Chapter 13*

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First published: June 24th 2018
Last edited: 2nd March 2022

Words: 1728

Markus lead those he could to an abandoned church in the city. Not many people followed. Most were killed. Somewhere taken to camps to be destroyed and even fewer escaped. As more and more androids turned up the church. Markus left for a while, said he had something he needed to do.

While he was gone Connor stayed away from the other deviants who surrounded him in this small room. Now he had emotions he felt them all. Right now, he could feel guilt. He did this to them. He led the FBI to Jericho. It was his fault that so many of them had died when all they wanted was to be free. His one glimpse of happiness was that he had managed to give Markus that small head start to evacuate his people. When it comes to wars and attacks, a few seconds meant lives were saved. He waited for Markus to return. What would he do to him? Would he allow him to live? He was one of them now after all but maybe he couldn't forgive what he had done when he was following the orders programmed into him.

He thought about Y/N. Did she know about the attack on Jericho? Would she have known they would use him to find it? He shook the thoughts out of his head. There was no way Y/N would know about this and not find some way of telling him. She would need more than just Hank to pull her back. No, Y/N had no part in this he was sure.

When Markus finally did return he spoke to a few of his people before finally making his way over to Connor. Connor gulped and stood up straight.
"It's my fault," Connor admitted full of shame. He refused to look Markus in the eye. "The humans managed to locate Jericho. I was stupid..." He shook his head. "I should have guessed they were using me." He looked up and took a few steps forward. "I'm sorry Markus. I can understand if you choose not to trust me." Without delay Markus replied.

 "You're one of us now. Your place is with your people." Markus looked at the floor then looked back up. "What made you do it? What made you go against your programming?"
"Y/N." Connor simply said.
"Is that another android? Are they here?" Markus began to scan the crowd. 
"No. She's a human." Connor corrected. 
"Humans hate us..." Markus said confused.
"She... she is amazing. She never saw us less than human. Back when... back when I was a machine I thought how she felt for the deviant's cause was just her being irrational and letting her emotions get in the way. Like humans do you know? They look for empathy in objects that don't need it like... a one-eyed stuffed animal.  But now I understand. She always stood up for me and the other androids we investigated. Humans might hate us. But those like Y/N do not."

"Do you think there are other humans like her?" Markus asked sincerely.
"I do," Connor said. "I really do." Just as Markus was about to leave Connor quickly added. "There are thousands of androids at the Cyberlife assembly plant. If we can wake them up, they may join us and shift the balance of power." Markus couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"You want to infiltrate Cyberlife Tower? Connor that's suicide."
"They trust me," Connor said. "They'll let me in. If anyone has a chance of infiltrating Cyberlife Tower it's me."
"If you go there they will kill you," Markus said.
"There's a high probability, but statistically speaking there is always a chance for unlikely events to take place." Markus stepped forward and placed his hand on Connor's shoulder.
"Be careful."


Y/N walked into Jimmy's bar. A few of the men gave her dirty looks. Not many women were seen in bars. A few smiled in recognition. She saw Hank sat at his usual stool at the bar. She sat down next to him.
"What will it be Y/N? A lecture on drinking or has a new case popped up?" Hank sighed looking into his empty glass. She made eye contact with the barman who made her usual drink before handing it over.

"Neither." She answered. "I'm here to drink with you." She took a huge gulp of her drink and set the glass back down. "and, I don't lecture you for drinking. I lecture you for doing stupid things when you're drunk." Hank laughed.
"Y/N, we both know I do stupid things when I'm not drunk too."
"Cheers to that." She tapped her glass of his and took another sip. 

Hank smiled at the girl. She didn't often join him for drinks but when she did it was always fun in the truest sense. "Plus." She said putting her drink down. "After you punched Mr. FBI in the face I'm not sure about your position. I mean Perkins wanted you to be fired but the captain seemed happy enough. He didn't even leave his office and he smiled into his paperwork. Plus... there is the fact I pistol-whipped Gavin in the face." Hank almost choked on his new drink.

"You did what?" He laughed. It wasn't just a chuckle. He was laughing so loudly everyone at the bar looked at him.
"I pistol whipped him... in the face." When Hank calmed down he winked.
"That's my girl. I knew I liked you for a reason."
"In my defense... He did get his gun out on me first... and then tried to threaten Connor." They both went silent at the thought of Connor.

"Connor," Hank said out loud. "He wasn't that bad in the end. Gonna miss that kid."They both downed the rest of their drinks. They were about to order another round when the President's face came up on the screen behind the bar. This sparked everyone's attention. The barman turned up the TV so they could all hear what was going on.

"At 6 AM this morning." Her voice said with presence. "A national curfew was declared." Everyone looked at each other in the bar. If there was a curfew then none of them should be here. Oops. "Civilian movement will be strictly controlled."
"We're cops, right? We won't get punished if we are caught out?" Y/N whispered to Hank.
"I sure hope not," Hank replied.

"The right to assembly is suspended." Probably to stop another peaceful march from Markus. "All electronic communications are restricted, and I have granted enhanced powers to our security agencies. In addition to these measures. All androids must be handed over to the authorities immediately." This caused some cheer in the bar. This was a no android bar anyway.
"Do you think the captain will need us?" Y/N said. "They will probably need us with this new barbaric order."

"Not our division. Remember. We got kicked off deviants. We are strictly homicide."Hank mocked in the captain's voice. They got shh-ed from the bar's inhabitants.
"Temporary camps are being set up in all major cities to contain and destroy them."
"She must be joking!" Y/N gasped. "I didn't vote for her anyway..."
"I'm now asking all civilians to co-operate with the authorities."
"Fuck that," Hank mumbled.

"and rest assured that everything in our nation's power is being done to guarantee the security of our nation." She opened up questions for the reporters.
"Madame President. What can you tell us about the assault that happened just an hour ago?" one reporter asked.
"The FBI raided an abandoned freighter named Jericho in Detroit earlier this evening. Several thousand androids were destroyed or captured. Our forces are now combing the streets to ensure that none got through the net. We are going to find them one by one and destroy them."

"Hank." Y/N gulped. "Jericho! That's where Connor went!"
"Oh, Christ. Do you think?"
"I don't know. The soldiers might not know he was on their side. To them, he was just another android. I told him he shouldn't have gone but I thought his biggest problem would be the deviants, not soldiers."

"I'm... I'm sure he will be fine. My God..." Hank couldn't even convince himself. Y/N was right. He held his head in his hands. The further questions the president was answering were lost. Neither of them were listening to her. Both of them had hoped with Connor finding Jericho he would be spared. That he wouldn't be destroyed. But going to Jericho probably sealed his fate. The TV was turned off.

"Right. Finish your drinks. I don't want any trouble with the curfew." The barman announced. Everyone began drinking faster. The door opened.
"I'm sorry but we are closing sir..." The barman said but he stopped. There were a few squeaks of chairs on the floor. Hank and Y/N looked simultaneously at the door. It was Connor! The other men in the bar quickly left not wanting to be around an android at this time. The barman left through the back room.

"Connor!" Y/N shouted running up to him and hugging him. "I thought you were dead. I thought you were killed in the raid." She pulled back from him and noticed his outfit. "When did you get your uniform back?"
"Y/N, lieutenant. I have been sent by Cyberlife to collect you."
"To collect us?" Hank said. "Why the fuck do they want us?"
"They believe you are two of the most qualified to help them with the deviant problem."
"Qualified?" Hank said sarcastically.
"I must insist we leave at once. There isn't much time." Y/N and Hank shared a look but followed Connor to a taxi outside anyway. Something was off. 

They arrived at CyberLife tower. It was a lot bigger in person. Connor led them through the doors and to an elevator.
"So we're off to talk to the big guys eh?" Hank said crossing his arms.
"Not quite," Connor said. "Level sub 49."
"You're taking us to the basement?" Y/N asked, "What help can we be there?"Connor pulled out a gun and pointed it at the two humans.
"You will be a lot of help." 

AN: Almost done! I only have three chapters planned after this. I may write the odd chapter after the revolution but right now I have no concrete plans.     

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