*Chapter 14*

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First published: June 24th 2018
Last edited: 2nd March 2022

Words: 1707

"Connor?" Y/N said lifting her hands slowly. "What are you doing?"
"I'm fulfilling my mission. The old Connor went deviant and CyberLife created me to replace him. To do what he could not." The new Connor explained.
"Connor went deviant?" Y/N replied in shock.
"I'm going to need you to be quiet now," Connor ordered tilting the gun slightly.

In the distance, they saw the elevator on the other side of the room descend. Connor was in it! Or at least, a Connor. The doors opened, and the Connor walked out. He walked down the central aisle of androids. About halfway down he stopped. His hand turned porcelain white the way androids do and he touched the arm of one of the many androids. The new Connor nudged Hank and Y/N forward to make themselves known.

"Easy!" Hank shouted. "Fucking piece of shit."
"Step back Connor!" The new Connor ordered. "And I'll spare them." The gun was pointed directly at Y/N and Hank. Connor looked at them shocked.
"I'm sorry Connor!" Hank apologized. "This bastard's you're spitting image."
"He tricked us into coming here," Y/N explained.

"Your friend's lives are in your hands." The new Connor shouted over the top of them. "Now it's time to decide what matters most. Them or the revolution?"
"Don't listen to him! Everything this fucker says is a lie!" Hank said.
"Connor it's fine! The lives of these androids outnumber ours!" Y/N tried. Connor looked directly at the new Connor.

"I used to be just like you. I thought nothing mattered except the mission. But then one day I understood." His eyes flickered to Y/N for a moment before looking back at the new Connor.
"Very moving Connor." The new Connor mocked, "But I'm not a deviant. I'm a machine designed to accomplish a task and that's exactly what I'm going to do." He cocked the gun. Y/N flinched.

"If I surrender..." Connor began. "How do I know you won't kill them?"
"I'll only do what is strictly necessary to accomplish my mission. It's up to you whether or not that includes these humans." Connor looked desperately at Y/N and Hank. When the new Connor saw this wasn't going anywhere he took a step closer to the two humans.

"It's time to decide Connor! It's time to decide who you really are! Are you going to save your partners life, or are you going to sacrifice him?"
"Alright!" Connor said stepping away from the androids with his hands raised. "Alright. You win." The new Connor pointed his gun at Connor and was ready to fire. Hank grabbed hold of the new Connor's arm to stop him from shooting the real Connor. Connor took Y/N's gun out of his back pocket. The New Connor pushed Hank away from him which caused Hank to crash into Y/N and they both landed on the floor helpless. Both Connors fired their guns and both shot each other in the shoulder.

"The one with my gun is our Connor." Y/N confidently said as the two Connors ran at each other.
"Got it," Hank said making a note in his mind. They began to wrestle with their guns in their hands. Punching and kicking. They both dropped their guns on the floor which slid away. "Oh, that's just fucking great," Hank mumbled under his breath. The two humans tried as much as they could to keep an eye on the real Connor. It was the most intense game of 'which cup' they had ever played.

The Connors began throwing each other over their shoulders and slamming on the ground.
"STOP!" Y/N shouted. Both Connors looked up and saw both humans pointing guns at them. Y/N had her own gun while Hank had the other Connors. They both stopped fighting immediately and stood up slowly.
"Thanks, Hank, I don't know how I'd have managed without you." The one on the right said the one Hank was pointing his gun at. "Get rid of him. We have no time to lose."

"It's me Y/N. I'm the real Connor." The one on the left said the one Y/N was pointing the gun at.
"One of you is our partner. The other is a sack of shit. Question is, who is who?" Hank said out loud. Y/N looked at them both. They both had been shot in the same place, they both had that strand of hair that was out of place that Y/N loved. She felt guilty she couldn't tell them apart.

"What are you doing Hank?" The one on the right said. "I'm the real Connor." He stepped forward. "Give me the gun and I'll..."
"Don't move!" Hank shouted. That Connor now had both guns pointed at him. When he stepped back into line Y/N pointed her gun back at the one on the left.
"Why don't you ask us something?" the left Connor said. "Something only the real Connor would know?"

"Where did we first meet?" Hank asked. The Connor on the right quickly replied.
"Jimmy's bar! I checked four other bars before I found you." The Connor on the left seemed gobsmacked trying to answer. "We then met Y/N at the scene of the homicide. The victim's name was Carlos Ortiz." The Connor on the right seemed confident. The left Connor seemed to mumble something under his breath.

Y/N quickly looked at Hank. They spoke to each other only using their eyes. Y/N was certain the Connor on the left was the right one. Hank understood what she was saying. Hank looked at the left Connor.
"What's my dog's name?"
"Sumo!" The left Connor quickly shouted. "His name is Sumo!"
"I knew that too." The Connor on the left defended. Y/N rolled her eyes. Hank looked at them both seriously.

"My Son. What's his name?"
"Cole." The one on the left said. "His name was Cole. And he had just turned 6 at the time of the accident. It wasn't your fault lieutenant. A truck skidded on a sheet of ice and your car rolled over. Cole needed emergency surgery but no human was available to do it. So an android had to take care of him. Cole didn't make it. That's why you hate androids. You think one of us is responsible for his death."

"Cole died because a human was too high on red ice to operate." Hank corrected. "He was the one who took my son from me."
"And that is how Y/N became your partner." The left Connor continued. "When you found out the doctor was using red ice you remembered the girl you had saved years before from her father who had beaten her almost to death. The last you knew of her she had been thrown into a community home because nobody wanted to take care of a child who was harmed in such a way. When you searched for her you found that she was a cop in need of a partner you accepted. Not because you wanted a partner, but because you were a childless father and she was a fatherless child."

He turned to Y/N. "You both needed each other to pull through your pasts. You, Y/N, you needed someone to show you that you weren't useless, that you weren't just another statistic in a children's logbook. Someone who knew your past but didn't judge you for it. You disowned your father and began a new life. A life you could be proud of."
"I knew about your families too!" the other Connor quickly said. "I would have said the same thing! Don't listen to him Hank! I'm the one who..." both Y/N and Hank didn't hesitate to shoot him.

"I've learned a lot since I met you, Connor," Hank said. "Maybe there is something to this. Maybe you are alive." Y/N dropped her gun on the floor and ran to Connor. She hugged him so tight.
"How did you know?" Connor asked.
"You answered with empathy," Hank explained. "Emotion. That and the Connor I know couldn't take his eyes off Y/N whenever she was in the room. That prick ignored her." Y/N still hadn't let go.

"You came back." She whispered. Connor pulled away and held her tearful face in his hands.
"I promised I would. And I always complete my mission."
"You cheese..." Y/N began but Connor cut her off with a kiss. Y/N was surprised at first but relaxed into it. They were lost in their own world. There was no revolution happening outside. There wasn't a dead android just 5 meters to the right of them. This was their first kiss and they would remember it always.

"OH THAT IS DISGUSTING!" Hank shouted. They pulled apart and looked at him. "DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT HE PUTS IN HIS MOUTH! I'M GONNA PUKE!" He put his hands on his knees and bent forward as if steadying himself. "I'm happy for you guys I really am but don't do that in front of me again. I can't... my God Y/N he puts blood in his mouth."
"Hank you dick! Ruining a perfectly good moment." Y/N shouted back. Connor laughed to himself. His family...

"There's still a war going on outside if I remember correctly." Hank said, "Connor do what you have to do." With a smile, Connor happily took the hand of one of the androids.
"Wake up," Connor said to him. The android blinked a few times before turning to the other androids and doing the same. Soon the whole room was repeating 'wake up' and the new deviant army was created.
"Go win this thing, Connor." Y/N said giving Connor a quick peck on the lips. Hank made a noise.
"I'll see you on the other side." Connor smiled and he left with his new army. To fight for their freedom.

AN: Can I just say... the inspiration to write this story was purely from the idea of Hank seeing Connor kissing someone and having this reaction. Like, this scenario played in my head and I knew I had to write about it because it just made me laugh so much.       

AN 2022: It still amuses me. I laughed at my own joke! Dammit.  

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